
🚗 Online ordering system for custom vehicle orders.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Central Cascade Automotive Sales

CCAS online ordering system for custom vehicle orders.


The application is organized in the following manner:

Install Node 6.9.1

This application relies on Node version 6.9.1.

To set up your CLI to the right Node environment, you can install nvm. Follow the instructions here.

Then, you can run the following commands:

  nvm install 6.9.1
  nvm use 6.9.1

Configure environment

If necessary, you can change where the APIs are served by changing the values in each .env file.

Set up database

If you haven't installed MongoDB yet, you can do so by following the instructions here and then run mongod.


  • npm run install: install packages for the whole application
  • npm run start: starts the whole application
  • npm run watch: starts the whole application in watch mode
  • npm run test: runs tests for the whole application

You can run these scripts individually by adding :client, :api, :acme, or :rainier to the script name.

For example: npm run watch:api will start nodemon for the service API.