
🎧 A new tech-related podcast recommendation every Tuesday and Thursday

Primary LanguageHTML

How to add suggestions

Go to https://devchoice.yvesgurcan.com/list/add. Fill out the form.

Front matter

Filename should follow this pattern: YYYY-MM-DD-the-name-of-the-episode.md, where the prepended date corresponds to the date where the suggestion will be publicly displayed.

  • A list of key-values can be used in the front matter of the file:
hidden: is_hidden
episode: episode_title
podcast: podcast_name
description: short_description
link: url_to_episode_page
ext: file_extension_of_the_locally_hosted_image
image: url_of_remotely_hosted_image
media: url_of_the_media_file
type: the_type_of_the_media_file
explicit: is_the_show_explicit
notes: full_show_notes

Details about front matter keys

Special values

The following keys are internal to Jekyll and should not be overriden in the front matter:

  • path



The default value of ext is .jpg. This key is ignored if the image key exists. The site assumes that the image can be found locally at /assets/images/the-name-of-the-episode.file_extension where the-name-of-the-episode is set by episode and file_extension corresponds to ext.



Length in bytes of the media file.



The default value of type is audio/mpeg.


The default value of explicit is no. The explicit key has 3 valid values for iTunes: no, yes, clean (which corresponds to the censored version of an explicit show).

Customized behaviors

Some of the fields and the logic to populate them in the feed is implied. Here are more details about these custom behaviors that are not traditional to usual podcast feeds:

  • each episode get their author from the podcast key
  • if the podcast key is missing, the author field is derived from episode