Module Project: Deploying Web Apps - Portfolio Piece


In this module you will use what you've learned about deploying a web application, and deploy one of the apps you've built so that you can add it to your portfolio page


Task 1: Project Set Up

Think about which project you are most proud of up to this point that you have built from the ground up. For this project, you will work on deploying that project using ZEIT, and prepare it to be added to your portfolio site.

Follow these steps for completing your project.

  • Send your team lead the link to your web app
  • Show them that it has been added to your portfolio
  • If you don't have a portfolio, use this project time to create a portfolio, and deploy it with ZEIT (here is a guide for this)
  • Once you have finished, your TL will count the project as completed

Task 2a: MVP

After you have figured out which project you want to deploy, sign up for an account with ZEIT and start the deployment process as outlined in training kit for this module. Once the project is deployed, you will add it to your porfolio site. Finally, work on updating this project so that it is polished and bug free! Good luck!

Task 2b: Exit Ticket

Once you begin, you will have 15 minutes to answer the questions here.

The completion of these questions is mandatory for MVP. However, passing the quiz doesn't affect your standing as a Lambda School student whatsoever. This is Lambda School testing itself! Please answer honestly and to the best of your ability without using external references.

Task 3: Stretch Problems

Do not attempt stretch problems until MVP has been reached and a final commit has been made.

Work on deploying a second, or even third portfolio project. If you have extra time, go back and update the styles, add features, fix bugs, etc, on all the sites so that they will look good for potential employers.

Submission Format

  • Submit a Pull-Request to merge <firstName-lastName> Branch into main (student's Repo). Please don't merge your own pull request
  • Fill out your module retrospective form here with a link to your PR or published site