
backend for the typeflow-editor in mxGrapgh

Primary LanguageJava


backend for the typeflow-editor (https://github.com/yvettemuki/typeflow-editor) in mxGraph

Environment Requirement

Java 8

  • if you are using Intellij Idea, you can just clone this project and use "import project", remember choose "Maven" after choosing the "Import project from external model"

Run the project

You can use terminal

mvn spring-boot:run

Or just go to the


and run the main function

File Storage Use(=database:future will migrate to OSS service)

When you start up the project, the project will automatically or you can also add manually ####### including 3 folders below:

models picmodels pictures

The default port is 9090, if you want to change, go to the application.properties file

####### attention: when you change the backend port, remember change the font-end proxy file.