
Gherkin style specification writer

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Gherkin style specification writer

Usage in php

$feature = SpecWriter::feature('Feature name')
    ->inOrderTo('Do stuff')
    ->iNeedTo('Use feature')

->scenario('Do not have money')
    ->Given('I have :amount', '5$')
    ->Given('Product with name :name costs :amount', 'name', '10$')
    ->When('I buy product :name', 'name')
    ->When('I give :amount to pay', '5$')
    ->Then('I should have :amount', '0$')
    ->Then('I should have 1 product with name :name', 'name')

->scenario('Pay with enough money')
    ->Given('I have :amount', '5$')
    ->Given('Product with name :name costs :amount', 'name', '10$')
    ->When('I buy product :name', 'name')
    ->When('I give :amount to pay', '5$')
    ->Then('I should have :amount', '0$')
    ->Then('I should have 1 product with name :name', 'name')

// Write the feature to the feature file so that it can be executed by the test suite.
$file = __DIR__ . '/actual.feature';

The use case would generate the following file content:

// Content of "actual.feature" file
Feature: Feature name
  As a Developer
  In order Do stuff
  I need to Use feature

  Scenario: Do not have money
    Given I have '5$'
    And Product with name 'name' costs '10$'
    When I buy product 'name'
    And I give '5$' to pay
    Then I should have '0$'
    And I should have 1 product with name 'name'

  Scenario: Pay with enough money
    Given I have '5$'
    And Product with name 'name' costs '10$'
    When I buy product 'name'
    And I give '5$' to pay
    Then I should have '0$'
    And I should have 1 product with name 'name'