Dragalia Story Data Parser

This parser scans a directory and its subdirectories for Story MonoBehaviours extracted via AssetStudio as .txt files, and outputs them into a file that formats the dialogues into Dragalia-wiki template friendly formats.


  1. Run monoToDb.py on a directory of parsed game data mono txt files (this builds a sqlite3 db of the game data for straightforwardness of querying.
    • Inspect file internals to edit hardcoded input and output paths (because I'm too lazy to make them arguments).
  2. Run parseStory.py on a top level directory containing only Story .txt files.
    • Again, you'll need to edit the hardcoded constants to change the input and output paths, sorry.

Currently the following story types are supported:


Includes support for both the 5* promotion quote and the regular adventurer stories. Both will output as fields for the {{AdventurerStories}} template, but not the entire template.


Will output formatted fields for the {{DragonStories}} template, but not the entire template.

Event Quest

Will output entire {{EventStoryHeader}} template, filled in with Event details.

Campaign Quest

Currently unsupported due to lack of example data to test. Will likely try to behave as an Event Quest, but fail horribly.