THOR: Three-Step Online Cross-Modal Hashing for Class Incremental Data

Primary LanguageMATLAB


THOR demo on MIRFlickr dataset and NUS-WIDE dataset.

Paper : THOR: Three-Step Hashing for Online Cross-Modal Retrieval

This is a simplified demo, including:
train0.m: function to compute the hash code and hash function of training data at the first chunk.
train.m: function to compute the hash code and hash function of training data at other chunk.
evaluate.m: function to evaluate the performence of THOR.
mAP.m : function to compute the mAP of hashing method.
demo_main.m: example script to run the code on the MIRFLickr and NUS-WIDE dataset.

Download the [/MIR and /NUS] dataset from drive.google.com. The link is listed as follows:
link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ux8QSTARfwbFl-dwV7F3z_KRqJ20ji9e?usp=sharing

Or download the [/MIR and /NUS] dataset from pan.baidu.com. The link is listed as follows:
link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/19L1EQpqP5Ti6_YRWpsA5fA
password: 8888