
A minimal Deno library for tsx prerender/SSG

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Deno codecov


tsx-static is a minimal library for tsx pre-rendering or static site generation.


mod.ts of tsx-static re-export functions, classes and declarations from these files:

  • react.ts: Providing class React, StyleSheet, Style, type DocType, as well as JSX global namespace declaration (so that TypeScript can process tsx).

    react.ts provides core functionality for tsx rendering, through React.stringify, and React.toString.

  • builder.ts: Providing function build and emit, and const loaders.

    builder.ts provides helper functions to build static sites and scripts, using tsx-static and Deno.emit.

  • dom.ts: Providing declaration for const window from DOM API.

    This module is for type checking and auto-completing frontend code using Deno. The exported const window provides the same type declarations as in lib.dom.d.ts.

Known Issues

  • Dependency resolver for loaders.ts.emit does not work with multi-line import statements.

    • It can be solved by a better import statement parser, however a full TypeScript parser (which we don't have on Deno) is always welcomed.
  • namespace WebAssembly is not shipped with dom.ts. This issue should be addressed soon. Here is how namespace WebAssembly should look like if you need it (it is short):

    namespace WebAssembly {
      interface CompileError {}
      var CompileError: {
        prototype: CompileError
        new (): CompileError
      interface Global {
        value: any
        valueOf(): any
      var Global: {
        prototype: Global
        new (descriptor: GlobalDescriptor, v?: any): Global
      interface Instance {
        readonly exports: Exports
      var Instance: {
        prototype: Instance
        new (module: Module, importObject?: Imports): Instance
      interface LinkError {}
      var LinkError: {
        prototype: LinkError
        new (): LinkError
      interface Memory {
        readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer
        grow(delta: number): number
      var Memory: {
        prototype: Memory
        new (descriptor: MemoryDescriptor): Memory
      interface Module {}
      var Module: {
        prototype: Module
        new (bytes: BufferSource): Module
        customSections(moduleObject: Module, sectionName: string): ArrayBuffer[]
        exports(moduleObject: Module): ModuleExportDescriptor[]
        imports(moduleObject: Module): ModuleImportDescriptor[]
      interface RuntimeError {}
      var RuntimeError: {
        prototype: RuntimeError
        new (): RuntimeError
      interface Table {
        readonly length: number
        get(index: number): Function | null
        grow(delta: number): number
        set(index: number, value: Function | null): void
      var Table: {
        prototype: Table
        new (descriptor: TableDescriptor): Table
      interface GlobalDescriptor {
        mutable?: boolean
        value: ValueType
      interface MemoryDescriptor {
        initial: number
        maximum?: number
      interface ModuleExportDescriptor {
        kind: ImportExportKind
        name: string
      interface ModuleImportDescriptor {
        kind: ImportExportKind
        module: string
        name: string
      interface TableDescriptor {
        element: TableKind
        initial: number
        maximum?: number
      interface WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource {
        instance: Instance
        module: Module
      type ImportExportKind = 'function' | 'global' | 'memory' | 'table'
      type TableKind = 'anyfunc'
      type ValueType = 'f32' | 'f64' | 'i32' | 'i64'
      type ExportValue = Function | Global | Memory | Table
      type Exports = Record<string, ExportValue>
      type ImportValue = ExportValue | number
      type ModuleImports = Record<string, ImportValue>
      type Imports = Record<string, ModuleImports>
      function compile(bytes: BufferSource): Promise<Module>
      function compileStreaming(
        source: Response | Promise<Response>
      ): Promise<Module>
      function instantiate(
        bytes: BufferSource,
        importObject?: Imports
      ): Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource>
      function instantiate(
        moduleObject: Module,
        importObject?: Imports
      ): Promise<Instance>
      function instantiateStreaming(
        response: Response | PromiseLike<Response>,
        importObject?: Imports
      ): Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource>
      function validate(bytes: BufferSource): boolean