Our flight booking platform acts just like your personal travel agent, but much faster, easier, and more transparent. Moreover, it provides better all-around service and one-stop solution.
Finding a right flight ticket is time consuming and boring.
There are special ways and steps to book the best price-performance flight tickets. It is hard to know them all!
Travelers usually don’t know what kind of flight service they are paying for or how to get better flight experience.
Everyone is eager to make the dream trip come true!
Our search engine gathers all the information from different flight ticket booking channels including cash, points/mileages, and upgrade options.
Our platform reveals the best options which meet your need. You would be able to book not only the cheapest flight, but also the flight with the best priceperformance rating by either cash or points/mileages.
Airlines are different! You would want to know what kind of service you are paying for. Our platform shows reviews/pictures about seats, inflight entertainment, and food for each flight.
The platform provides airports information. You will never need to use Google map to know which airport is closer to DOWNTOWN!
Last minute booking could be expensive. Why would you want to spend $800 dollar for non-stop flight from Pittsburgh to New York if you can just use 10K miles (valued at $150)?
Flying first class cabin from New York to Tokyo would cost $13500, but you can just redeem 110K Amex points (valued at $1100) for the high-end champagne, the caviar and spacious seat.
Airlines have different cabin layout, inflight entertainment, and food service. Flying with the better service would make your dream trip even better!