The "class-enum" was developed to replace the TypeScript enum.
Since TypeScript's enum only supports formats like numbers and strings, it is lacking in terms of feature expansion.
As a result, we decided to create an enum similar to Java's style that supports constructors.
The "class-enum" can be used in the same way as class constants and offers several convenient features.
$ npm i class-enum
This library allows you to create enumerations by inheriting ClassEnum<?> from a class.
Please enter the constant variable name as the first argument (of string type). If possible, please follow the rule.
import { ClassEnum, Enum } from 'class-enum'
class Animal extends ClassEnum<Animal> {
public static readonly DOG = new Animal("DOG")
public static readonly CAT = new Animal("CAT")
public static readonly MOUSE = "foo" // ignored in ClassEnum
Sometimes, we need additional attributes for a value. For example, 'DOG' can have values like 'title' and 'color'.
Simply increase the arguments in the constructor and add the values, and that's it.
class Animal extends ClassEnum<Animal> {
public static readonly DOG = new Animal('DOG', 'My Dog', 3)
public static readonly CAT = new Animal('CAT', 'Cute Cat', 6)
private readonly title!: string
private readonly age!: number
public constructor(value: string, title: string, age: number) {
this.title = title
this.age = age
public printTitle() {
public getAge() {
return this.age
Animal.DOG.printTitle() // My Dog
console.log(`cat age: ${Animal.CAT.getAge()}`) // cat age: 6
Retrieve all the values of the Enum as an array.
console.log(Animal.values()) // [ Animal { value: 'DOG' }, Animal { value: 'CAT' } ]
Animal.values().map((animal: Animal) => {
// DOG -> string
// CAT -> string
Retrieve the Enum using the value string. If not found, an EnumNotFound exception is raised.
However If you specify the defaultEnum, that will be returned instead.
console.log(Animal.valueOf('PARROT')) // occurs EnumNotFound exception
console.log(Animal.valueOf("MONKEY", Animal.ETC))
Retrieve the name of the Enum.
console.log( // "DOG"
Compare if they are the same Enum based on the value.
console.log(Animal.DOG.equals(Animal.DOG)) // true
console.log(Animal.DOG.equals(Animal.CAT)) // false
console.log(Animal.DOG.equals(Other.DOG)) // false
Here's an example of displaying different names and colors based on the selected animal(Enum).
<select v-model="selectedAnimal">
<option v-for="animal in Animal.values()" :key="" :value="animal">{{ animal.title }}</option>
<p :style="{color: selectedAnimal.color}">selected:{{ }}</p>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ClassEnum } from "class-enum";
import { ref } from "vue";
class Animal extends ClassEnum<Animal> {
public static readonly DOG = new Animal("DOG", "cute dog", "red");
public static readonly CAT = new Animal("CAT", "beautiful cat", "green");
public static readonly MONKEY = new Animal("MONKEY", "big money", "blue");
public readonly title!: string;
public readonly color!: string;
public constructor(value: string, title: string, color: string) {
this.title = title;
this.color = color;
const selectedAnimal = ref(Animal.DOG);
$ npm run clean
$ npm run test
$ npm run clean
$ npm run build
$ npm publish