
Udacity feed reader testing project in Jasmine by Millie

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Overview

This is a project to test a feedReader code in Jasmine.js with JQuery to select DOM elements. Jasmine

The project code base is from Udacity.

How to run the app locally

  • click "clone or download" on upper right corner
  • choose "Download zip"
  • Unzip the file
  • Open index.html using your browser, you should be able to see the feeds load.

What will I learn?

You will learn how to use Jasmine to write a number of tests against a pre-existing application. These will test the underlying business logic of the application as well as the event handling and DOM manipulation.

How will this help my career?

Writing effective tests requires analyzing multiple aspects of an application including the HTML, CSS and JavaScript - an extremely important skill when changing teams or joining a new company.

Good tests give you the ability to quickly analyze whether new code breaks an existing feature within your codebase, without having to manually test all of the functionality.


This repository is the starter code for all Udacity students. Therefore, we most likely will not accept pull requests.