This is an internal reporting tool that produces answers by printing them out in the plain text in the Terminal. The tool produces answers to the following three questions based on the data in the database:
Question 1:
What are the most popular three articles of all time?
Question 2:
Who are the most popular articles authors of all time?
Question 3:
On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?
This tool is a Python program that uses the psycopg2 module to connect to the database. This project is using tools called Vagrant and VirtualBox to install and manage the VM. You'll need to install these to run this project
You'll be doing these exercises using a Unix-style terminal on your computer. If you are using a Mac or Linux system, your regular terminal program will do just fine. On Windows, I recommend using the Git Bash terminal that comes with the Git software. If you don't already have Git installed, download Git from git-scm.com.
To start on this project, you'll need database software (provided by a Linux virtual machine) and the data to analyze.
This project makes use of the same Linux-based virtual machine (VM). You will need to install virtual box and vagrant to run this project.
From your terminal, inside the vagrant subdirectory, run the command vagrant up
. This will cause Vagrant to download the Linux operating system and install it. This may take quite a while (many minutes) depending on how fast your Internet connection is.
When vagrant up
is finished running, you will get your shell prompt back. At this point, you can run vagrant ssh
to log in to your newly installed Linux VM!
Database was provide by Udacity and available to download here: database.
To build the reporting tool, you'll need to load the site's data into your local database.
To load the data, cd into the vagrant directory and use the command psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
Here's what this command does:
The database includes three tables:
- The authors table includes information about the authors of articles.
- The articles table includes the articles themselves.
- The log table includes one entry for each time a user has accessed the site.
Question 2:
#article views
CREATE VIEW articles_view AS
select title, COUNT(log.id) as view
from articles, log where articles.slug = (replace(path, '/article/', ''))
GROUP BY articles.title;
CREATE VIEW article_authors AS
SELECT title, name
FROM articles, authors
WHERE articles.author = authors.id;
Question 3:
#error log
CREATE VIEW error_log AS
select cast(time as date),
COUNT(status) as Error_Count from log
where status like '404%'
GROUP BY cast(time as date);
#all log
CREATE VIEW logcount
AS select cast(time as date),
COUNT(status) as logcount from log
group by cast(time as date);
Check out output.txt file for result.