
This is a rate my professor website application for Northeastern University Computer Science master program.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


About The Project

This is a rate my professor website application for Northeastern University Computer Science master program.

Website Link: https://neu-rate-my-prof.herokuapp.com/

Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GlXF6pobAY&ab_channel=XuehanYi

Built With

Getting Started

How to run the application locally.


Install npm in your local environment.

  • npm
    npm install npm@latest -g


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/yxhniord/Rate-My-Professor-NEU-CS.git
  2. Install and run server application
    cd server
    npm install
    npm start
  3. Install and run client application
    cd client
    npm install
    npm start


Use this space to show useful examples of how a project can be used. Additional screenshots, code examples and demos work well in this space. You may also link to more resources.


  • Iteration 1

    1. Developed all the server-end API (CRUD)
    2. Created React components and placeholders to represent the functionalities
    3. Connected frontend and backend and realized the following functions:
      1. Jump to login/signup pages
      2. Search for professors by name or part of a name (eg. "AA", "bb","Test")
      3. Display professor's information
      4. Display user's information
  • Iteration 2

    • Server
      1. Add professor rate automatic calculation
      2. Change user model and controller to add more fields
      3. Change get professor list by name to be case-insensitive
      4. Secure user-related API calls
    • Client
      1. Implement add-new-comment and update-existing-comment functionalities.
      2. Display user comments as carousel on homepage when user's logged in.
      3. Authenticate and authorize users to add/edit comments.
      4. Redirect user from Auth0 sign up page to information collection page.
      5. Improve accessibility and mobile responsiveness.
  • Iteration 3

    • Server
      1. Add display 5 professors by rate API.
    • Client
      1. Implement add user feature.
      2. Implement delete comment feature.
      3. Implement YouTube API.
      4. Enforce authorization on protected pages.
  • Iteration 4

    • Server
      1. Fix bugs
    • Client
      1. Add tests for all components
      2. Refractor codes to implement pagination and enhance code re-usability.
      3. Setup Redux store to prevent repetitive fetching of user information.


Contributions of all team members.

Xuehan Yi

Server development

  • Database design
  • Server end API (CRUD for professor, user, comment)
  • Test for ratingDetails components

Yuheng Miao

Client development

  • Design frontend layout
  • Implement pages for Home, SearchResults, ProfessorDetails, AddComment, EditComment and AddProfessor
  • Write tests and refractor codes

Zhiwei Bao

Client development

  • Implement UserProfile page and Comment and CommentList components.
  • Integrate user authentication (Signup/Login, Protected route) and Server API security.
  • Add YouTube API to Home page
  • Write tests and refractor codes


Distributed under the MIT License.


Project Link: https://neu-rate-my-prof.herokuapp.com/




Professor Detail

Professor Detail