
Fast Cross-Modal Hashing with Global and Local Similarity Embedding


Source code for paper "Fast Cross-Modal Hashing with Global and Local Similarity Embedding"


0. About the paper

This repo is the source code for the paper "Fast Cross-Modal Hashing with Global and Local Similarity Embedding" on IEEE Trans. Cybernetics 2021 (https://doi.org/10.1109/TCYB.2021.3059886). If you have any questions about the source code, please contact: yxinwang@hotmail.com.

1. Running Environment


2. Datasets

We use three datasets to perform our experiments, i.e., IAPRTC-12, MIRFLICKR, and NUSWIDE datasets. You can download all dataset from pan.baidu.com. The links are listed as follows:

3. Run demo

Run main_demo.m.
