
my vim configuration

Primary LanguageVimL

My VIM Configuration

List of files and directories


The configuration file for vim.


The configuration file for ctags.


The tags for std.


The directory of vim.


  • snippet: auto complete template. (shortcut: <tab>)
  • nerdtree: tree structure explorer. (shortcut: <leader>n)
  • mru: most recent used file buffer. (shortcut: <leader>m)
  • t-comment: easy commenter. (shortcuts: <leader>b for block comment, <leader>c for single line comment)
  • FuzzyFinder: easy file finder. (shortcut: <leader>t)
  • EasyMotion: easy code motion. (shortcut: <leader>w)
  • OmniComplete: code auto-complete. (shortcuts: <control>x<control>o for pop-up and <control>p for auto-complete)
  • DoxygenToolKit: easy doxygen document generation. (shortcuts: <leader>d)