Pinned Repositories
Build a Bidirectional GRU sentiment analysis model to predict the score column.
Three small OpenCV image processing projects: Histogram match two images, Remove noise and edge detection, Mean shift segmentation etc.
This Notebook take the fast style transfer using TF-Hub part from the original source and extended to video style transfer. It is a lot of fun to play style transfer.
This Notebook implemented pretrained transformer pipelines for 15 NLP tasks. Framework uses Tensorflow except table question answering which is only available for PyTorch.
Implemented Logistic Regression, SVM, KNN, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, XGBoost, ANN etc. ML algorithms for heart disease analysis and prediction.
Implemented Linear Regression, Lasso, Ridge, Decision Tree, Random Forest and XGBoost ML algorithms for housing price prediction.
Natural Language Processing Projects
This is a current real world NLP problem with 11 categories from a financial company. I provided multiple solutions to solve multi-class classifications with imbalance data.
Reinforcement Learning DQN for ATARI’s Pong Game---TensorFlow 2.0/Keras
You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system. YOLOV3 is extremely fast and accurate compared with other algorithms, such as R_CNN, RetinaNet etc. It uses Darknet-53 as the backbone network and uses three scale predictions. In this Notebook a YoloV3 model was trained using Darknet by transfer learning with GPU on Colab. Collect 8 classes samples (480 images): USPS Truck, UPS Truck, Ambulance, Fire Truck, FedEx Truck, Bus, Police Car and Other Vehicle. Collect negative samples (100) with objects that we do not want to detect, such as streets, pedestrian, buildings, traffic lights, etc. Train, Validation and Test sample preparation; Sample labeling. Speeding up training by using Fine Tune technique. Install Darknet and cuDNN, compile Darknet, configuration training file. Negative samples improved model performance. Inference 8 classes Truck/Vehicle images correctly Inference videos.
yxu1168's Repositories
This is a current real world NLP problem with 11 categories from a financial company. I provided multiple solutions to solve multi-class classifications with imbalance data.
You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system. YOLOV3 is extremely fast and accurate compared with other algorithms, such as R_CNN, RetinaNet etc. It uses Darknet-53 as the backbone network and uses three scale predictions. In this Notebook a YoloV3 model was trained using Darknet by transfer learning with GPU on Colab. Collect 8 classes samples (480 images): USPS Truck, UPS Truck, Ambulance, Fire Truck, FedEx Truck, Bus, Police Car and Other Vehicle. Collect negative samples (100) with objects that we do not want to detect, such as streets, pedestrian, buildings, traffic lights, etc. Train, Validation and Test sample preparation; Sample labeling. Speeding up training by using Fine Tune technique. Install Darknet and cuDNN, compile Darknet, configuration training file. Negative samples improved model performance. Inference 8 classes Truck/Vehicle images correctly Inference videos.
This Notebook implemented pretrained transformer pipelines for 15 NLP tasks. Framework uses Tensorflow except table question answering which is only available for PyTorch.
Implemented Linear Regression, Lasso, Ridge, Decision Tree, Random Forest and XGBoost ML algorithms for housing price prediction.
Reinforcement Learning DQN for ATARI’s Pong Game---TensorFlow 2.0/Keras
Build a Bidirectional GRU sentiment analysis model to predict the score column.
Three small OpenCV image processing projects: Histogram match two images, Remove noise and edge detection, Mean shift segmentation etc.
This Notebook take the fast style transfer using TF-Hub part from the original source and extended to video style transfer. It is a lot of fun to play style transfer.
Implemented Logistic Regression, SVM, KNN, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, XGBoost, ANN etc. ML algorithms for heart disease analysis and prediction.
Natural Language Processing Projects
Deep Learning & Art: Neural Style Transfer
Bidirectional LSTM and Bert are implemented for Named Entity Recognition
CNN/GRU are implemented to Sentiment Analysis on Amazon Cell Phone Reviews
Implemented BERT, LSTM neural network models for spam detection
VGG16 CNN for Classification and Detection; Mask RCNN for Object Detection and Segmentation