An Empirical Study On Contrastive Search And Contrastive Decoding For Open-ended Text Generation
- aidyaiopensourceprojexts@gmail.com
- ArmorhtkSouthwest University
- cooperleong00
- fly51flyPRIS
- guaipangpang
- hahahawuCity University of Hong Kong
- inimahIndonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
- KellyWands
- kugwzk
- lwaekfjlkCKC@ZJU -> LTI@CMU -> CS@UIUC
- mengweiwang
- mihara-bot
- nhannguyen2709Ho Chi Minh
- salomartin@yummyshop
- skykisekiChina
- songbohuUniversity of Cambridge
- speedcell4NICT
- sustcsonglinMIT
- TimothyxxxThe University of Hong Kong
- u-brixton
- velocityCavalryUniversity of Washington
- wangweiqing12
- xysunnHong Kong
- YecanLeeLudwig Maximilian University of Munich
- yxuansuCohere, University of Cambridge
- zhjohnchanThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen