Simple subgraph to collect Pregnant CryptoKitties

Build subgraph:

cd ../my-kitty-subgraph
yarn codegen
yarn build

Build graph-node if not already done so:

cd ..
git clone
cd graph-node
rustup update
rustup -V
cargo update
cargo build

Setup postgreSQL database for graph-node:

export PATH=$PATH:/Library/PostgreSQL/13/bin
createdb -U postgres graph-node
psql -U postgres graph-node
  create extension pg_trgm;
  create extension pg_stat_statements;
  create extension btree_gist;
  create extension postgres_fdw;
  grant usage on foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw to postgres;

Start local graph-node using

cd ../graph-node
cargo run -p graph-node --release -- \
  --postgres-url postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/graph-node \
  --ethereum-rpc mainnet:<infura-project-id> \

or using local geth node:

geth --syncmode fast --datadir ./data --http --ws --cache 1024
cargo run -p graph-node --release -- \
  --postgres-url postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/graph-node \
  --ethereum-rpc mainnet: \
  --ipfs \

Install graph-cli for subgraph management commands:

npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli

Deploy subgraph after the local graph-node has started:

cd ../my-kitty-subgraph
yarn create-local
yarn deploy-local

Cleanup previously registered subgraph:

graph remove <subgraph-name> --node