CS231n: Deep Learning for Computer Vision
CS231n spring 2020` version의 본인 풀이입니다! (2022.07.15 ~ )
Found original assignment files from here
Used Google Colab for the following assignments..
- k-Nearest Neighbor classifier
- Training a Support Vector Machine
- Implement a Softmax classifier
- Two-Layer Neural Network
- Higher Level Representations: Image Features
- Fully-connected Neural Network
- Batch Normalization
- Dropout
- Convolutional Networks
- PyTorch on CIFAR-10 (2022 ver.)
- Image Captioning with Vanilla RNNs
- Image Captioning with LSTMs
- Network Visualization: Salienc maps, Class Visualization, and Fooling Images
- Style Transfer
- Generative Adversarial Networks