Human Pose

Datasets and Evaluation metric, read more

2D human pose estimation

  • Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields ∗ (OpenPoseV1), CVPR2017, paper, 2019-02-26

  • RMPE: Regional Multi-Person Pose Estimation (AlphaPose), ICCV2017, paper , code, 2019-04-10

  • OpenPose: Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields(OpenPoseV2), 2018, paper, 2019-07-01

  • Single-Network Whole-Body Pose Estimation(OpenPoseV3), paper, 2019-07-27

  • Stacked Hourglass Networks for Human Pose Estimation, ICCV2016, paper, code 2019-10-14

  • Convolutional Pose Machines (CPM), CVPR2016, paper, 2019-10-15

  • Cascaded Pyramid Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation, CVPR2018, paper

3D human pose estimation

  • 3D human pose estimation in video with temporal convolutions and semi-supervised training (VideoPose3D), CVPR2019, paper, code , 2019-08-07

  • Fast and Robust Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation from Multiple Views (mvpose), CVPR2019, paper, code, read more, 2019-08-28

  • Self-Supervised Learning of 3D Human Pose using Multi-view Geometry(EpipolarPose), CVPR2019, paper, code, 2019-09-04

  • Cross View Fusion for 3D Human Pose Estimation, ICCV2019, paper, read more, 2019-10-22

  • Weakly-Supervised Discovery of Geometry-Aware Representation for 3D Human Pose Estimation, CVPR2019, paper, 2019-10-23

  • Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Generation and Ordinal Ranking, ICCV2019, paper, code, read more , *2019-10-25

  • Camera Distance-aware Top-down Approach for 3D Multi-person Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image, ICCV2019, paper, code, read more, 2019-11-03

  • Generalizing Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild, 2019, paper, code, read more, 2019-11-04

  • A simple yet effective baseline for 3d human pose estimation (3d-pose-baseline), ICCV2017, paper code

  • Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation In The Wild Using Improved CNN Supervision, 3DV2017

  • Cascaded Pyramid Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation, CVPR2018, paper

  • OriNet A Fully Convolutional Network for 3D Human Pose Estimaion, BMVC2018, paper

  • Holistic++ Scene Understanding: Single-view 3D Holistic Scene Parsing and Human Pose Estimation with Human-Object Interaction and Physical Commonsense, ICCV2019, paper

  • RepNet: Weakly Supervised Training of an Adversarial Reprojection Network for 3D Human Pose Estimation, CVPR2019, paper

  • In the Wild Human Pose Estimation Using Explicit 2D Features and Intermediate 3D Representations, CVPR2019, paper

  • Generating Multiple Hypotheses for 3D Human Pose Estimation with Mixture Density Network, CVPR2019, paper, code

  • 3D Human Pose Estimation with 2D Marginal Heatmaps, WACV2019, code

  • Multi-Person 3D Human Pose Estimation from Monocular Images, 3DV2019, paper

  • Unsupervised 3D Pose Estimation with Geometric Self-Supervision, 2019, paper

  • Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi-view Images, CVPR2018, paper

  • LCR-Net Localization-Classification-Regression for Human Pose, CVPR2017, paper, project

  • LCR-Net++ Multi-person 2D and 3D Pose, PAMI2019, paper

  • Semantic Graph Convolutional Networks for 3D Human Pose Regression (SemGCN), CVPR2019, paper, code

human pose track

  • LightTrack: A Generic Framework for Online Top-Down Human Pose Tracking, CVPR2019, paper, code read more, 2019-11-06

action recognition

  • Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition (ST-GCN), AAAI2018. paper , code, 2019-03-20
  • Make Skeleton-based Action Recognition Model, 2019. paper, code

Object Detection

  • Mask R-CNN, ICCV2017, paper, code

  • Fast Online Object Tracking and Segmentation: A Unifying Approach (SiamMask), CVPR2019, paper, code