Starcraft File Extractor for MacOS

This is a simple tool to extract files from the Starcraft Remastered and Starcraft 2 game files on MacOS.

  • based on the CascLib library and is a simple command line tool.
  • written such that criteria for selecting the files are flexible so you can make changes based on your use case.
  • I simply filtered for audio file formats.

It's actually my first ever cpp program! I made this becasue I wanted clean voice tracks for both English and German so that I can possibly make a "1h of terran base ambience with occasional xxxx notification" type of video. well, that still hasn't gone well since this program has problems. I will write about it below.

Cloning the Repository

To clone the repository along with its submodule CascLib, use the following command:

git clone --recurse-submodules

or if you already cloned, use

git submodule update --init --recursive

Build Instructions

Because this uses CascLib as submodule, we build it first (if you have already cloned it):

cd into the submodule:

cd src/CascLib

build it:

cmake -L CMakeLists.txt

go back to the project root:

# this is just one way to do it
cd ../../..

then, proceed with building our program:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


Once you compile, run the binary. For example:


So far, the program asks you for

  • the path to your game data file (which should be fairly straightforward to find on macos if you peep your Applications folder)
  • the output path

Notably, the program will create the output directory if it doesn't exist yet (although I don't remember if I wrote it to be recursive... can I even do that anyway??)

It will then create a log at your home directory; oops bug but it should be a simple path fix so you can do it yourself :3


TBD (but will be maximally open anyway)