
the configuration about emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

frequent command

  • C-x C-f search for files

  • C-x C-s save buffer

  • C-x C-w write to a new file

  • C-x s save all file

  • C-x b switch buffer

  • C-x C-b list all buffer

  • C-/, C-_, C-x u undo

Windows management

  • C-x 0 Delete the active window
  • C-x 1 delete other window
  • C-x 2 split window below
  • C-x 3 split window right

C-x 4 C-f Finds a file in the other window C-x 4 d Opens M-x dired in the other window C-x 4 C-o Displays a buffer in the other window C-x 4 b Switches the buffer in the other window and makes it the active window C-x 4 0 Kills the buffer and window

C-x 5 2 Create a new frame C-x 5 b Switch buffer in other frame C-x 5 0 Delete active frame C-x 5 1 Delete other frames C-x 5 C-f Finds a file in the other window C-x 5 d Opens M-x dired in the other window C-x 5 C-o Displays a buffer in the other window

C-x r m Set a bookmark C-x r l List bookmarks C-x r b Jump to bookmark

C-x r n Store number in register C-x r s Store region in register C-x r SPC Store point in register C-x r + Increment number in register C-x r j Jump to register C-x r i Insert content of register C-x r w Store window configuration in register C-x r f Store frameset in register

M-h Marks the next paragraph C-x h Marks the whole buffer C-M-h Marks the next defun C-x C-p Marks the next page M-@ Marks the next word C-M- and C-M-@ Marks the next s-expression C-, C-g Deactivates the region

M-t transpose words C-x C-t switch two lines

M-q Refills the paragraph point is in C-x f Sets the fill column width C-x . Sets the fill prefix M-x auto-fill-mode Toggles auto-filling

C-x C-; Comment or Uncomment line M-x comment-box Comments the region but as a box

C-x C-u Uppercases the region C-x C-l Lowercases the region M-x upcase-initials-region Capitalizes the region

M-c Capitalizes the next word M-c Capitalizes the next word M-u Uppercases the next word M-l Lowercases the next word

C-o Inserts a blank line after point C-x C-o Deletes all blank lines after point C-M-o Splits a line after point, keeping the indentation M-ˆ Joins the line the point is on with the one above

M-SPC Deletes all but  space or tab to the left and right of the point M-x cycle-spacing As above but cycles through all but one, all, and undo M-\ Deletes all spaces and tabs around

M-/ Expands word at the point using M-x dabbrev-expand C-M-/ Expands as much as possible, and shows a list of possible completions

TAB Indents line using major mode’s M-i Inserts spaces or tabs to next tab stop M-x edit-tab-stops Edits tab stops

C-x C-f Finds a file C-x C-r Finds a file in read only mode C-x C-q Toggles read only mode

M-x auto-revert-mode Reverts buffer when file changes M-x auto-revert-tail-mode Appends changes when file changes