
Openstack and Opendaylight NetVirt Integration Stuff


Openstack and Opendaylight NetVirt Integration Stuff

Network and Subnet

openstack network create net01 --provider-network-type vxlan --provider-segment 100
openstack network create net02 --provider-network-type vxlan --provider-segment 200

openstack subnet create --network net01 --subnet-range subnet01
openstack subnet create --network net02 --subnet-range subnet02

Router and floating IP

openstack network create pubnet --external --provider-network-type flat --provider-physical-network public

openstack subnet create --network pubnet --subnet-range --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway --no-dhcp pubsubnet

openstack router create extvr
openstack router add subnet extvr subnet01
openstack router add subnet extvr subnet02
openstack router set --external-gateway pubnet extvr

openstack floating ip create --port ba993162-ee1c-4db2-8979-4868410ab66e pubnet

$ openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name | Status | Networks                         | Image                    | Flavor  |
| 8a58dbb1-c926-4e6d-b0ca-190c6e1f0ff1 | vm4  | ACTIVE | net02=                 | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| 82122a0b-a518-4d4e-b820-df96d7c94c41 | vm3  | ACTIVE | net02=                  | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| 2f0d0fd0-a2c3-45c6-bc5c-d1bb740bbe20 | vm2  | ACTIVE | net01=                  | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |
| 3f1e15fe-9aab-4093-a864-93aa9cbc9033 | vm1  | ACTIVE | net01=, | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk | m1.tiny |

$ openstack network agent list
| ID                                   | Agent Type     | Host     | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary                       |
| 63ced583-79ca-4ff8-bc77-713e61e7b310 | Metadata agent | control  | None              | :-)   | UP    | neutron-metadata-agent       |
| 9ab1f4de-92aa-450c-b954-1928727bff87 | ODL L2         | compute2 | None              | :-)   | UP    | neutron-odlagent-portbinding |
| a5537f71-f272-43b8-ac01-8d73a6bb4d02 | DHCP agent     | control  | nova              | :-)   | UP    | neutron-dhcp-agent           |
| b64059e2-bb81-42f0-8ff9-4ff332b14ee8 | ODL L3         | control  | None              | :-)   | UP    | neutron-odlagent-portbinding |
| d97c2828-eb8d-45f8-a436-43b95be74c10 | ODL L2         | control  | None              | :-)   | UP    | neutron-odlagent-portbinding |
| dfb111ea-533e-4837-af86-a5dc8d72f26d | ODL L2         | compute1 | None              | :-)   | UP    | neutron-odlagent-portbinding |

$ curl -u admin:admin | python3 -mjson.tool
    "hostconfigs": {
        "hostconfig": [
                "host-id": "control",
                "host-type": "ODL L3",
                "config": "{}"
                "host-id": "control",
                "host-type": "ODL L2",
                "config": "{\"supported_vnic_types\": [{\"vnic_type\": \"normal\", \"vif_type\": \"ovs\", \"vif_details\": {} }], \"allowed_network_types\": [\"local\",\"vlan\",\"vxlan\"], \"bridge_mappings\": {\"public\":\"br-ex\"}}"
                "host-id": "compute1",
                "host-type": "ODL L2",
                "config": "{\"supported_vnic_types\": [{\"vnic_type\": \"normal\", \"vif_type\": \"ovs\", \"vif_details\": {} }], \"allowed_network_types\": [\"local\",\"vlan\",\"vxlan\"], \"bridge_mappings\": {\"public\":\"br-ex\"}}"
                "host-id": "compute2",
                "host-type": "ODL L2",
                "config": "{\"supported_vnic_types\": [{\"vnic_type\": \"normal\", \"vif_type\": \"ovs\", \"vif_details\": {} }], \"allowed_network_types\": [\"local\",\"vlan\",\"vxlan\"], \"bridge_mappings\": {\"public\":\"br-ex\"}}"

Integration Topo

Interation Topo