
A Free HelpForum for Programmers and Developers

Primary LanguageEJS


A Free HelpForum for Programmers and Developers

Moto Of Creating this Project

So it all started in covid times
Me and my friends were discussing about a coding problems 
No one of us was able to solve a problem or we were having difficulty in 
understanding the problem . 
so there was a need of someone who had solved that problem can help us .
But there was no such platform where we can post the question and get help.

So there I created this  HelpForum WebApplication 
where different user can post their queries regarding coding Problems and get clear their doubts

Main Features :

1. simple login and logout using google authentication
2. users can post the ( topic ,link and query regarding the question)
   users of the platform can answer to other user doubts by writing there
   solution in the editor attached.
3. editor provide the functionality of :
   adding code snippets
   adding header and link to a video solution etc.
4. And the other main feature the user can upvote a answer if they like it
5. We can also comment on the answers that were posted by other user.

API - Endpoints


Type Route Path Parameters Description
POST /login body :- req.body.googlId loging in the User
POST /logut body:- req.body.userId logout the User


Type Route Path Parameters Description
GET /profile/:userid userId To get the Profile of User
GET /profile/:userid/answer/show/:id userId , answerid = id To get the User answers
GET /profile/:userid/question/:id userId , questionid = id To get the User Asked Questions


Type Route Path Parameters Description
GET /questions/:userid/smoothies userId To get All The Questions in the Forum
GET /questions/:userid/UpdateQuestionList userId display a form for creating a new Question
GET /questions/:userid/:id userId ,id=questionId shows more info about one Question
GET /questions/:userid/:id/answer/new userId ,id=answerid show text-editor when someone wants to post a Answer
GET /questions/:userid/:questionid/answer/show/:id userId ,questionid, id=answerid show detail page for a pariticular answer
POST /questions/:userid/UpdateQuestionList userId to add the new Question in database/WebSite
POST /questions/:userid/delete userId to delete a question
POST /:userid/:id/answer/new userId, id=answerId to add the new Answer for a question in the Database.


Type Route Path Parameters Description
GET /answer/:userid/show/:id userId, id=questionId show detail page for a pariticular answer
POST /answer/:userid/delete userId to delete a answer of a question
POST /answer/:userid/upvote userId to Upvote a answer of a question
POST /answer/:userid/:id/comment/new userId,id=commentId to post a new comment for a particular answer.


Type Route Path Parameters Description
GET /comment/:userid/delete userId To delete a Comment By a User

Tech Used

  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs

HomePage of Web-Application :


All Question Screen


Adding Question Screen :


Display Questions and Related Answers :


Adding Answer to a Question :


Profile Page of a User :


How To run the Project :

  1. npm init
  2. install all dependencies - npm install


  1. nodemon : npm install nodemon -g
  2. changes to be made : in package.json file
"scripts": {
    "start": "node app.js",
    "devStart": "nodemon app.js",
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  1. to run server : npm run devStart


1. requireAuth :
means Authentication is required before accessing any page.
user will not be allowed to enter any sort of information before loging the system

Working Snippet of Project :


Some Doubts that I face during working on this project: