A collection of Anki decks to help all students master the respective topics.
- clone the repo to a local repository
- install Anki: https://apps.ankiweb.net/
- install CrowdAnki: https://github.com/Stvad/CrowdAnki
- restart Anki so that CrowdAnki can finish installing
- Use "CrowdAnki: Import from disk" from the File menu to import the decks.
- Select the directory from within the cloned repo (such as CCNA-CyberOps_v11) and click on "Select Folder"
- That deck should now be imported.
- When the repo is updated, repeat the import to gain access to corrections and new cards.
- You need to have an account on github.com
- You need to be familiar with the Git: clone, pull, push, branch, checkout, pull requests
- You need to be able to read JSON-formatted data
- Your first pull request should update the file UserID.list.txt