
Low latency fix engine for .net

Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


AppVeyor NuGet

Hotfix is a FIX engine written in pure .net geared towards low latency and high throughput.

The engine is highly optimized and garbage free, exhibiting predictably low latency even to the higher percentiles. Messages can be encoded/decoded in < 1 μs and over loopback the engine can achieve a median 12 μs round trip time...


The library is available via Nuget as package HotFix


Performance depends on hardware and operating system characteristics so we recommended you run the benchmark suite on your own hardware or even better run the benchmark acceptor and initiator applications...

Round trip benchmark

This benchmark shows the round trip time for trading by running the acceptor and initiator benchmark apps over loopback on a Windows development desktop...


Below is a more detailed analysis of the same run:


Message encoding/decoding benchmarks

These benchmarks show the latency for encoding and decoding FIX messages of varying sizes.

  • Small message: 0.10 KB message with 10 fields (eg. heartbeat)
  • Med'm message: 0.35 KB message with 30 fields (eg. execution report)
  • Large message: 1.00 KB message with 90 fields (eg. market data incremental refresh)


Message size Min Median Max Mean StdDev Op/s Allocated
Small 0.270 μs 0.273 μs 0.275 μs 0.273 μs 1.4298 ns 3,661,402.84 0 kB
Medium 1.277 μs 1.283 μs 1.293 μs 1.283 μs 4.5345 ns 779,363.04 0 kB
Large 2.831 μs 2.849 μs 2.856 μs 2.847 μs 8.4264 ns 351,238.64 0 kB



Message size Min Median Max Mean StdDev Op/s Allocated
Small 0.408 μs 0.413 μs 0.417 μs 0.413 μs 2.1911 ns 2,423,590.30 0 kB
Medium 1.256 μs 1.264 μs 1.280 μs 1.267 μs 8.0424 ns 789,294.37 0 kB
Large 3.250 μs 3.270 μs 3.281 μs 3.269 μs 8.8091 ns 305,940.01 0 kB


Other benchmarks

For more detailed benchmarks, see the .bench folder in the repository root


For detailed examples of usage, see HotFix.Demo.Acceptor/Program.cs and HotFix.Demo.Initiator/Program.cs.

Session management

var engine = new Engine();
var configuration = new Configuration
    Role = Role.Initiator,
    Version = "FIX.4.2",
    Host = "",
    Port = 12345,
    Sender = "Client",
    Target = "Server",
    InboundSeqNum = 1,
    OutboundSeqNum = 1,
    HeartbeatInterval = 5
    LogFile = "messages.log"

using (var session = engine.Open(configuration))

    while (session.Active)
        if (session.Receive()) Console.WriteLine($"Received message of type {session.Inbound[35].AsString}");


Event handling

The session exposes some events that you can handle:

session.LoggedOn += (s) => Console.WriteLine("Logged on");
session.LoggedOut += (s) => Console.WriteLine("Logged out");

session.Sent += (s,m) => Console.WriteLine($"Sent message of type  {m[35].AsString}");
session.Received += (s,m) => Console.WriteLine($"Received message of type  {m[35].AsString}");


Copyright (C) 2017 Fedja Bosnic and contributors

Released under the GNU Lesser General Public License V3
