
Scripts to build OpenSSL, HTTP/2 (nghttp2) and cURL (libcurl) for OS X, iOS and tvOS with Bitcode enabled for iOS, tvOS. Includes patching for tvOS to not use fork() and HTTP2 protocol support. Requires Xcode7.1b or later (for the tvOS SDK).

Primary LanguageShell


Script to build OpenSSL, nghttp2 and libcurl for OS X, iOS and tvOS with Bitcode enabled for iOS, tvOS. Includes patching for tvOS to not use fork() and adds HTTP2 support with nghttp2.


The build.sh script calls the three build scripts below (openssl, nghttp and curl) which pull down the specified release version. Versions are specified in the build.sh script:

# EDIT this section to Select Versions #




The openssl-build.sh script creates separate bitcode enabled target libraries for:

  • Mac - x86-64
  • iOS - iPhone (armv7, armv7s, arm64) and iPhoneSimulator (i386, x86-64)
  • tvOS - AppleTVOS (arm64) and AppleTVSimulator (x86-64)

The tvOS build has fork() disable as the AppleTV tvOS does not support fork(). Edit openssl-build.sh to change the version of OpenSSL that will be downloaded and built.


HTTP2 / nghttp2

The nghttp2-build.sh script builds the nghttp2 libraries used by libcurl for the HTTP2 protocol.

  • Mac - x86-64
  • iOS - armv7, armv7s, arm64 and iPhoneSimulator (i386, x86-64)
  • tvOS - arm64 and AppleTVSimulator (x86-64)

Edit nghttp2-build.sh to change the version of OpenSSL that will be downloaded and built. Include the relevant library into your project. The pkg-config tool is required. The build script tests for this and will attempt to install if it is missing. Rename the file to libnghttp2.a:


DISABLE HTTP2: The nghttp2 build can be disabled by using build.sh --disable-http2

cURL / libcurl

The libcurl-build.sh script create separate bitcode enabled targets libraries for:

  • Mac - x86-64
  • iOS - armv7, armv7s, arm64 and iPhoneSimulator (i386, x86-64)
  • tvOS - arm64 and AppleTVSimulator (x86-64)

The curl build uses --with-ssl pointing to the above OpenSSL builds and --with-nghttp2 pointing to the above nghttp2 builds.. Edit libcurl-build.sh to change the version of cURL that will be downloaded and built.



Xcode7.1b or later is required for the tvOS SDK.

To include the OpenSSL and libcurl libraries in your Xcode projects, import the appropriate libraries for your project from:

  • Curl - curl/lib [rename to libcurl.a]
  • OpenSSL - openssl/Mac/lib, openssl/iOS/lib, openssl/tvOS/lib
  • nghttp2 (HTTP2) - nghttp2/lib [rename to libnghttp2.a]


  1. Edit and Run build.sh

  2. Libraries are created in curl/lib, openssl/*/lib, nghttp2/lib

  3. Copy libs and headers to your project.

  4. Import appropriate "libssl.a", "libcrypto.a", "libcurl.a", "libnghttp2.a".

  5. Reference Headers, "Headers/openssl", "Headers/curl".

  6. Specifying the flag "-lz" in "Other Linker Flags" (OTHER_LDFLAGS) setting in the "Linking" section in the Build settings of the target.

  7. To use cURL, see below:

    #include <curl/curl.h>
    - (void)foo {    
        CURL* cURL = curl_easy_init();  

NOTE: For iOS project with 64 bit targets, you will need to edit the curlbuild.h header if you get an error simliar to this: 'curl_rule_01' declared as an array with a negative size


/* The size of `long', as computed by sizeof. */
// ADD Condition for 64 Bit
#ifdef __LP64__

You may also need to edit this section:

/* Signed integral data type used for curl_off_t. */
//#define CURL_TYPEOF_CURL_OFF_T long
//ADD Condition for 64 Bit
#define CURL_TYPEOF_CURL_OFF_T int64_t

curl/curlbuild-ios-universal.h is a universal example, tested on iOS platforms, made out of libcurl-7.50.3. You'd better check the diff between this file and curlbuild.h before using it.


| |____include
| | |____curl
| |____lib
|   |____libcurl_iOS.a
|   |____libcurl_Mac.a
|   |____libcurl_tvOS.a
  | |____include
  | | |____openssl
  | |____lib
  |   |____libcrypto.a
  |   |____libssl.a
  | |____include
  | | |____openssl
  | |____lib
  |   |____libcrypto.a
  |   |____libssl.a
    | |____openssl

Architectures in Libraries

xcrun -sdk iphoneos lipo -info openssl/*/lib/*.a
xcrun -sdk iphoneos lipo -info nghttp2/lib/*.a
xcrun -sdk iphoneos lipo -info curl/lib/*.a
  • Mac
  • curl/lib/libcurl_Mac.a are: x86_64
  • openssl/Mac/lib/libcrypto.a are: x86_64
  • openssl/Mac/lib/libssl.a are: x86_64
  • nghttp2/lib/libnghttp2_Mac.a are: x86_64
  • iOS
  • curl/lib/libcurl_iOS.a are: armv7 armv7s i386 x86_64 arm64
  • openssl/iOS/lib/libcrypto.a are: armv7 i386 x86_64 arm64
  • openssl/iOS/lib/libssl.a are: armv7 i386 x86_64 arm64
  • nghttp2/lib/libnghttp2_iOS.a are: armv7 armv7s i386 x86_64 arm64
  • tvOS
  • curl/lib/libcurl_tvOS.a are: x86_64 arm64
  • openssl/tvOS/lib/libcrypto.a are: x86_64 arm64
  • openssl/tvOS/lib/libssl.a are: x86_64 arm64
  • nghttp2/lib/libnghttp2_tvOS.a are: x86_64 arm64


The build.sh script will create an ./archive folder and store all the *.a libraries built along with a MacOS binary for curl and openssl.



Felix Schwarz, IOSPIRIT GmbH, @@felix_schwarz. https://gist.github.com/c61c0f7d9ab60f53ebb0.git Bochun Bai https://github.com/sinofool/build-libcurl-ios Stefan Arentz https://github.com/st3fan/ios-openssl Felix Schulze https://github.com/x2on/OpenSSL-for-iPhone/blob/master/build-libssl.sh James Moore https://gist.github.com/foozmeat/5154962 Peter Steinberger, PSPDFKit GmbH, @steipete. https://gist.github.com/felix-schwarz/c61c0f7d9ab60f53ebb0 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa, nghttp2.org https://nghttp2.org Jason Cox, @jasonacox https://github.com/jasonacox/Build-OpenSSL-cURL

Build Troubleshooting Tips

The AppleTVOS curl build may fail due to a macports "ar" program being picked up (it was in the path - You will see a log message about /opt/local/bin/ar failing in the curl log). A quick cleanup of the path (so that the build uses /usr/bin/ar) fixed the problem. - Thanks to Preston Jennings (prestonj) for this tip.