The WordPress-Editor-iOS is the text editor used in the WordPress iOS app to create and edit pages & posts. In short it's a simple, straightforward way to visually edit HTML.
How to get started
You can install the editor in your app via CocoaPods:
platform :ios, '9.0'
pod 'WordPress-iOS-Editor'
Or, you can just try out the demo by using the Cocoapods try command:
pod try WordPress-iOS-Editor
WordPress-iOS-Editor requires iOS 9.0 or higher. It depends on the following Apple frameworks:
- Foundation.framework
- UIKit.framework
- CoreGraphics.framework
- CoreText.framework
and the following Cocoapods:
See the podspec for more details.
There are three things that you need to do in order to use the WordPress-iOS-Editor in your app.
Create a ViewController that extends
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <WordPress-iOS-Editor/WPEditorViewController.h> @interface WPViewController : WPEditorViewController <WPEditorViewControllerDelegate> @end
Implement any of the optional
methods in your view controller. -
properties can be used to set and get the title and body of the text document.
For more details, you can review the EditorDemo project included in this repo.
Other Resources
Developer blog & Handbook
Blog: http://make.wordpress.org/mobile
Handbook: http://make.wordpress.org/mobile/handbook
Style guide
To report an issue (for the editor only)
Source Code
GitHub: https://github.com/wordpress-mobile/WordPress-iOS-Editor
How to Contribute
The following projects were used in the WordPress-iOS-Editor codebase:
Component | Description | License |
ZSSRichTextEditor | ZSSRichTextEditor is a rich text WYSIWYG Editor for iOS and was the basis for this project. | MIT |
CYRTextView | CYRTextView is a UITextView subclass that implements a variety of features that are relevant to a syntax or code text view. | MIT |
HRColorPicker | Simple color picker for iPhone | BSD |
jQuery | jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. | MIT |
JS Beautifier | Makes ugly Javascript pretty | MIT |
WordPress-iOS-Editor is available under the GPL license. See the LICENSE file for more info.