ACM MM '22: Unified Multi-modal Pre-training for Few-shot Sentiment Analysis with Prompt-based Learning

Primary LanguagePython

UP-MPF (Unified Pre-training for Multi-modal Prompt-based Fine-tuning)

This is the implementation of our ACM MM '22 paper "Unified Multi-modal Pre-training for Few-shot Sentiment Analysis with Prompt-based Learning".


model architectures

The figure shows the architectures of previous approaches (a,b) and our MPF/UP-MPF approaches (c,d,e) for coarse-grained MSA. Italic text is the real textual input while the others are prompt tokens in templates.


  • matplotlib 3.3.4
  • numpy 1.20.2
  • opencv-python
  • pillow 8.2.0
  • python 3.8
  • pytorch 1.7.1
  • scikit-learn 0.24.2
  • timm 0.4.12
  • tqdm 4.59.0
  • transformers 4.6.0

we mainly use conda commands to set up our environment but use pip to install opencv-python, timm and transformers.

Prepare the data

You can download the datasets from the original links below and preprocess the data following the scrips in datasets_pre_processing, or you can download images from our BaiduNetdisk and use preprocessed data in datasets directly.

Original links

COCO2014: train2014.zip and val2014.zip from https://cocodataset.org

Twitter-15 and Twitter-17: IJCAI2019_data.zip from https://github.com/jefferyYu/TomBERT

MASAD: MASAD.zip from https://github.com/12190143/MASAD

MVSA-S and MVSA-M: MVSA-Single.zip and MVSA-multiple.zip from http://mcrlab.net/research/mvsa-sentiment-analysis-on-multi-view-social-data

TumEmo: all_data_id_and_label.txt (access code 9hh1) and all_data.zip (access code 88il) from https://github.com/YangXiaocui1215/MVAN

The UP models we used can be found here.


Quick start

python main.py \
    --cuda 0 \
    --out_dir 'out' \
    --img_dir 'MVSA-S_data' \
    --dataset 'mvsa-s' \
    --train_file 'train_few1.tsv' \
    --dev_file 'dev_few1.tsv' \
    --template 1 \
    --prompt_shape '111' \
    --pooling_scale '11' \
    --batch_size 32 \
    --lr_lm_model 1e-5 \
    --lr_resnet 0 \
    --lr_visual_mlp 1e-5 \
    --early_stop 40 \
    --seed 5 \
    --load_visual_encoder \
    --up_model_path 'rot_pretrain_49-1-94.36.bin'

The prediction result will be saved in a .txt file in path out/mvsa-s+/[s1][d1][t1][ps111][nf_resnet50][lp11].

mvsa-s+ indicates we load UP models here. When running on a specific MSA dataset <dataset>, all the PF and MPF results will be saved in <out_dir>/<dataset> and UP-MPF results will be saved in <out_dir>/<dataset>+.

[s1], [d1] and [t1] stand for "train_few1.tsv" (the few-shot training file), "dev_few1.tsv" (the few-shot development file) and template 1 respectively.

[ps111] represents --prompt_shape is set to "111" here. This parameter shows the number of learnable tokens in each [LRN]. For example, there are 3 [LRN]s in the multi-modal template 1 for MVSA-S. We set --prompt_shape to "111" and each [LRN] will contain one learnable token when running. It only works and appears in the save path when we use learnable templates (template 1).

[nf_resnet50] suggests that we use NF-ResNet50 as the visual encoder (default setting) and [lp11] means we set the local pooling scale to 1×1 here.

As mentioned in the paper, we found that freezing the parameters of the visual encoder seems to bring better performance in UP-MPF (similar phenomenon was found in MPF too). Thus, we set --lr_resnet to 0 when conducting MPF and UP-MPF experiments. Of course you can try other values to acquire better performance.

Experiments with multiple runs

We provide run/pre-train.sh to perform our Unified Pre-training (UP) and carry out downstream MSA experiments with run/pf.sh, run/mpf.sh and run/up-mpf.sh.

After running a script for MSA task, you will get all the required results under the corresponding configuration (e.g., [s1][d1][t1] on MVSA-S).

We report the average performance in the paper. get_results.py can help you obtain the maximum values, mean values and standard deviations under each configuration. And then you can run gather_best_mm_results.py to collect all the MPF results and best UP-MPF results in best_mm_results.txt.

bash run/pf.sh
bash run/mpf.sh
bash run/up-mpf.sh

python get_results.py
python gather_best_mm_results.py

You can also perform your own Unified Pre-training (UP) or try other MSA datasets with other train_file, dev_file and template by modifying the running scripts.