Derive center model constraints and make plots
This folder contains the code used for constaining models, performing tests, and make plots in a manuscript (arXiv:1901.07119). Data are not included, but you can find some of them in Hollowood et al. 2018 (arXiv:1808.06637) and Giles et al. in prep.
Dependencies: Python 2.7 numpy matplotlib scipy pymc
Contact: Yuanyuan Zhang (ynzhang@fnal.gov)
Please cite arXiv:1901.07119 if you use any part of the code.
Those that are new to the project may also want to check out the tutorial here: https://github.com/KIPAC/StatisticalMethods/blob/1a8d82d6e54c421fb22f2e891293f220bf257da1/problems/model_evaluation.ipynb