
Simplest Server-Client Communication for both JavaScript and Python!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simplest Server-Client Communication for both JavaScript and Python! The best code for communication is no code for communication.

NO dependency, NO schema, NO config, just define functions and CALL!

Support both servers and clients of JavaScript and/or Python!

# On Python Server
from server import srpc
srpc() # start server on port 11111
srpc["add"] = lambda x, y: x + y
// On Browser Client
import srpc from './client-es.js'
srpc('http://localhost:11111/') // server endpoint
console.log(await srpc.add(1, 2)) // 3


Export functions to be called by clients

Nodejs Server

Copy the file server-es.js or server-common.js to your project

import srpc from './server-es.js'
// or using CommonJS
// const srpc = require('./server-common.js')

srpc() // listen on port 11111 by default

// following methods are exported
srpc.test = () => 'Hello, world!'
srpc.add = (x, y) => x + y
srpc.calc = {} // function can be nested!
srpc.calc.sqrt = x => Math.sqrt(x)

Python Server

Copy the file server.py to your project

from server import srpc

srpc() # listen on port 11111 by default

# Python dict uses []
srpc["test"] = lambda: "Hello, world!"
def add(x, y):
    return x + y
srpc["add"] = add
import math
srpc["calc"] = { "sqrt": math.sqrt }

Aliyun Function Compute Server

Copy the file server-fc.js to your project (only JavaScript FC).

const srpc = require('./server-fc.js')

// following methods are exported
srpc.test = () => 'Hello, world!'
srpc.add = (x, y) => x + y
srpc.calc = {}
srpc.calc.sqrt = x => Math.sqrt(x)

exports.handler = srpc() // entrance


Call functions on server and get the return value

Browser Client

Copy the file client-es.js to your project, or using CDN.

import srpc from './client-es.js'
// or using CDN in HTML:
// <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/yzITI/srpc@main/client.js"></script>

srpc('http://localhost:11111/') // initialize with endpoint

// just call the functions!
srpc.test() // Promise -> 'Hello, world!'
srpc.add(1, 2) // Promise -> 3
srpc.calc.sqrt(2) // Promise -> 1.4142135623730951

Nodejs Client

Copy the file client-es.js or client-common.js to your project

import srpc from './client-es.js'
// or using CommonJS
// const srpc = require('./client-common.js')

srpc('http://localhost:11111/') // initialize with endpoint

srpc.test() // Promise -> 'Hello, world!'
srpc.add(1, 2) // Promise -> 3
srpc.calc.sqrt(2) // Promise -> 1.4142135623730951

Python Client

Copy the file client.py to your project

from client import srpc


# Python takes dictionary syntax
srpc["test"]() # 'Hello, world!'
srpc["add"](1, 2) # 3
# dot also works for Python client
srpc.calc.sqrt(2) # 1.4142135623730951


For development and customization.

Protocol Model

The following request and response model are used with http POST method and 'Content-Type': 'application/json'. All function names and arguments must be JSON serializable.

Request {
  N: ['nested', 'f'], // function name
  A: [1, 2, 3] // arguments in order
Response {
  R: {} // function return
// Context used in hooks
Context {
  N, A, R,
  IP: String, // request IP
  F: Function

Server Options

// Nodejs Server
srpc(hooks = {
  before: Context => {}, // abort if assign Context.R
  after: Context => {}
}, port = 11111)

// Aliyun Function Compute Server
srpc(hooks = {
  before: Context => {}, // abort if assign Context.R
  after: Context => {}
  "before": Function(Context),
  "after": Function(Context)
}, port=11111)