
Fast binary heap priority queue implementation in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Fast binary heap priority queue implementation in JavaScript. See benchmarks for comparisons between different npm modules.

Quick start

npm install bhpq
  var Pqueue = require('bhpq');

  var pqueue = new Pqueue([3, 1, 2]);
  pqueue.pop(); // 3
  pqueue.pop(); // 2
  pqueue.pop(); // 1


new Pqueue([Array items], [Object options]) -> Pqueue

Creates an empty max-heap priority queue. By default, the queue orders numeric values from highest to lowest. The constructor accepts an optional items array, which will be used to initialize the queue.

var pqueue = new Pqueue([2, 3, 1]);
pqueue.pop(); // 3
pqueue.pop(); // 2

The constructor accepts an optional options object with the following optional keys:

  • min - when true, the queue will be ordered such that lower values are given priority over higher values. Defaults to false.
  • getPriority - a function of the form (*) -> Number is used to map a queue item to a priority number. This is useful if you want to push anything other than numbers into the queue, and prioritize them using your own custom logic.
  • comparator - a function of the form (*, *) -> Number is used to compare two queue items returning > 0 if the first item priority is greater than the second item, < 0 if the second item priority is greater than the first and = 0 if they both items are of equal priority. NOTE: if this option is provided the getPriority option is ignored.

E.g. using min and getPriority to create a queue of Person objects and order them from youngest to oldest.

var people = [
  {name: 'Bob', age: 40},
  {name: 'Alice', age: 15},
  {name: 'Eve', age: 30}

var pqueue = new Pqueue(people, {min: true, getPriority: (o) => o.age});
pqueue.pop() // {name: 'Alice', age: 15}
pqueue.pop() // {name: 'Eve', age: 30}
pqueue.pop() // {name: 'Bob', age: 40}

push(dynamic item) -> int

Pushes an item into the queue and sorts it so that items with the highest priority are at the front of the queue. Completes in at worst O(log n) time. Returns the number of items currently in the queue.

var pqueue = new Pqueue();
pqueue.push(50);  // 1
pqueue.push(100); // 2
pqueue.push(10);  // 3

pop() -> dynamic

Removes and returns the highest priority item from queue, and resorts the queue in the process. Completes in at worst O(log n) time. Returns undefined if the queue is empty.

var pqueue = new Pqueue([1,2,3]);
pqueue.pop(); // 3
pqueue.pop(); // 2
pqueue.pop(); // 1
pqueue.pop(); //undefined

Note: To see what's at the front of the queue without removing it, use peek()

peek() -> dynamic

Returns the highest priority item without removing it from the queue. Completes in O(1) time. Returns undefined if the queue is empty.

var pqueue = new Pqueue([5]);
pqueue.peek(); // 5
pqueue.length; // 1

clear() -> void

Clears the queue.

var pqueue = new Pqueue([1,2,3]);
pqueue.length; // 3
pqueue.length; // 0


Push and pop 100 items to/from the queue

bhpq              x 458,385 ops/sec ±0.26% (94 runs sampled)
priorityqueuejs   x 358,168 ops/sec ±0.47% (95 runs sampled)
js-priority-queue x 304,526 ops/sec ±0.36% (92 runs sampled)
queue-priority    x 10,119  ops/sec ±0.89% (89 runs sampled)

Push and pop 1 million items to/from the queue

bhpq              x 6.35 ops/sec ±1.61% (20 runs sampled)
priorityqueuejs   x 5.43 ops/sec ±0.89% (18 runs sampled)
js-priority-queue x 5.27 ops/sec ±1.22% (18 runs sampled)
queue-priority:   N/A (too slow)