
An opensource API hooking framework

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Ganxo is an opensource API hooking framework. In Catalan, Ganxo means hook and is pronounced like you pronounce: "Gun show". Ganxo uses Capstone disassembler for its disassembly requirements.


  • Ganxo is transactional. No hooking side effects take place until the transaction is committed
  • Written in C and aims to be light and portable. Although for now only Windows is supported
  • Ganxo has a rich api: simple data structures APIs, memory APIs, disassembly APIs
  • Heavily documented source code which is ideal for learning how to build API hooking frameworks


  1. Clone Ganxo from: http://github.com/PassingTheKnowledge/Ganxo

  2. Clone the thirdparty dependencies:

     git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Open Ganxo.sln solution

  4. Right click and change the general configuration of the capstone project and select a supported compiler

  5. Change the preprocessor settings to only have x86 and diet Capstone:

  6. When ready, righ-click on the solution and "Build all"

Refer to simple.cpp and test_hook project

Simple example

This is an exmaple program that hooks Sleep() and MessageBoxA()

Step 1 - Define the prototypes and the hook functions

#include <Ganxo.h>

typedef VOID(WINAPI *Sleep_proto)(DWORD);
typedef int (WINAPI *MessageBoxA_proto)(HWND hWnd, LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType);

Sleep_proto orig_Sleep = Sleep;
VOID WINAPI My_Sleep(DWORD dwMilliSecs)
    printf("MySleep() triggered! calling original sleep...");

MessageBoxA_proto orig_MessageBoxA = MessageBoxA;
int WINAPI my_MessageBoxA(HWND hWnd, LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType)
    printf("MessageBoxA(hWnd=%08p, lpText='%s', lpCaption='%s', uType=%04X)\n",
        hWnd, lpText, lpCaption, uType);
    return IDOK;

Step 2 - Initialize Ganxo

int main()
    gnx_err_t err = gnx_init();
    if (err != GNX_ERR_OK)
        printf("Failed to initialize!\n");
        return -1;

    // Create a new workspace instance
    gnx_handle_t gnx;
    if (gnx_open(&gnx) != GNX_ERR_OK)
        printf("Failed to create workspace\n");
        return -1;

Step 3 - Start a hooking transaction

    gnx_handle_t transaction;
    gnx_transaction_begin(gnx, &transaction);

Step 4 - Add the function to the transaction

    // Hook
    err = gnx_transaction_add_hook(
        (void **)&orig_Sleep, 
    err = gnx_transaction_add_hook(
        (void **)&orig_MessageBoxA, 

Step 5 - Commit the transaction

    err = gnx_transaction_commit(transaction);

Step 6 - Functions are now hooked!

    // Call hooked functions
    printf("main(): calling Sleep()\n");

    MessageBoxA(0, "Hello", "Info", MB_OK);

Step 7 - When done, remove the hooks

Start a new transaction for the sake of removing the hooks, remove the hooks and commit the transaction:

    // Unhook
    gnx_transaction_begin(gnx, &transaction);
        (void **)&orig_Sleep);
        (void **)&orig_MessageBoxA);
    return 0;