
Template meta programming package by C++11.

Primary LanguageC++

TLP : coding by template meta programming in C++11!


TLP is a C++ template programming package including below:

  • Compile-time base type NullType, EmptyType, IntType, BoolType and algorithms on them;

  • Compile-time data structure TypeList;

  • Base algorithms on TypeList such as Length, Append, Erase, Replace, Unique...

  • Advanced algorithms on TypeList such as Any, All, Filter, Map, Fold, Sort...

  • Template meta programming utils such as IsEqual, IfThenElse, Print...

  • Useful traits tools such as IsConvertible, IsBaseOf and several lambda traits tools;

  • Tools for simplify defination of compile-time meta functions;

  • A pure compile-time test framework for C++ template meta programming;

  • Samples for using TLP:

    • Pure compile-time computing for counting triangles.
    • Gof visitor design pattern generated by TLP.
    • A DSL for implementation of state machine in table format.

To learn more about tlp and how to do C++ template meta programming, please visit the doc folder!

Install and Test


git clone git@github.com:magicbowen/tlp.git

Install TLP

cd tlp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Test TLP

Tlp use its own test framework for testing.

Just compile the testcases for testing. If all tests are compiled ok, it means that all tests pass.

cd tlp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DENABLE_TEST=1 ..

Run Samples

Samples include examples for how to using TLP.

Compile and run all the samples:

cd tlp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DENABLE_SAMPLE=1 ..

Supported Platform:

  • [MAC OS X] supported
  • [Linux] supported
  • [Windows] not supported

Supported Compilers:

  • [CLANG] 3.4 or later.
  • [GCC] 4.8 or later.
  • [MSVC] not supported.