
🔐 A password validator component built with React and Regex

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Password Validator


The Core of the app is a JavaScript class called PasswordValidator that provides a dynamic way to check if a password meets a set of constraints. The class exports its default module and takes a password string as a parameter in its constructor method and assigns it to the this.password property of the class instance.

The PasswordValidator class has five methods:

  • hasLowerCaseLetter(): returns true if the password contains at least one lowercase letter.
  • hasUpperCaseLetter(): returns true if the password contains at least one uppercase letter.
  • hasSpecialCharacter(): returns true if the password contains at least one special character from the regex pattern provided.
  • hasDigit(): returns true if the password contains at least one digit.
  • hasValidLength(): returns true if the password is at least 8 characters long.

Each method uses a regular expression pattern to search for the presence of a specific type of character in the password string. If the character is found, the method returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

This PasswordValidator class can be used to validate the strength of a password by checking if it meets specific criteria. It can be used in web applications to ensure that user passwords meet a certain level of complexity before they can be accepted. This repository can be cloned or downloaded to be used as a library in any JavaScript project.

export default class PasswordValidator {
  constructor(password) {
    this.password = password;

  hasLowerCaseLetter() {
    return /[a-z]/.test(this.password);

  hasUpperCaseLetter() {
    return /[A-Z]/.test(this.password);

  hasSpecialCharacter() {
    return /[!@#$%^&*()\\[\]{}\-_+=~`|:;"'<>,./?]/.test(this.password);

  hasDigit() {
    return /\d/.test(this.password);

  hasValidLength() {
    return this.password.length >= 8;