
Automates setting up your production-ready React Native projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Warning: This is in beta: we've successfully used it with one or two projects though.

rn-scaffold is a tool to help automate setting up the common parts of a react-native project:

  • Different environments, debug, staging and release
  • Provisioning profiles using match
  • Deployment to Testflight and Playstore
  • Notifications with firebase

It's opinionated, designed for real-life apps. We built it after building 5+ apps and doing the same steps over and over and screwing them up.

Getting started

Install rn scaffold using: npm install -g rn-scaffold

In general we'll only be supporting the last minor version of the previous version of React Native (since this one is the most stable).


If in doubt commands should be run in order listed below to avoid any errors!

rn-scaffold react-native-init

  • runs react-native init
  • renames your project correctly and updates the android package / file structure
  • to switch react-native version use the flag --react-native-version

rn-scaffold prettier-lint

  • Adds eslint, prettier and lint-staged to your project.

rn-scaffold react-native-config

  • adds different build environments debug, staging and release to ios and android.
  • adds different bundleIds and app names per environment, e.g. com.myApp.debug, myApp debug ect
  • adds different app icons per environment
  • adds react-native-schemes-manager to manage adding new environment to ios project
  • adds code snippets to pass current environmet though intialProps into react-native app to allow correct config to be loaded
  • add generates apk signing key stores for android environments

rn-scaffold provisioning-profiles (Requires manual steps that user needs complete, see logs for details)

  • generates provisioning profiles per environment (debug, staging, release) for ios app on developer.apple.com
  • syncs generated provisioning profiles to local machine

rn-scaffold ios-deployment (Requires rn-scaffold provisioning-profiles command to have been run first)

  • adds deployment npm scripts for staging and release builds of app to app store
  • adds pushToITunes.sh script to build ipa files and push them to itunes connect
  • adds cocoa pods to app to create .xcworkspace file to generate ipa from

rn-scaffold android-deployment

  • adds deployment npm scripts for staging and release builds of app to play store

rn-scaffold notifications (Requires rn-scaffold provisioning-profiles to have been run and cocoa pods to be installed. Requires a lot of manual user steps, see logs or details)

  • generates ios certificates for push notifications per environment (debug, staging, release)
  • adds FirebaseMessaging pod and installs react-native-fcm
  • adds code to ios to handle multiple bundleIds for GoogleService-Info.plist files

Running Locally

You can test local changes by doing something like:

(cd ../../scaffolding && npm i && npm build) && node ../../scaffolding/build/bin.js react-native-config