• In this game you have to Roll the dice and select the same number until you selected all the same number. When you select every dice you won!

What problems i face creating this web-app ?

  • 1-> I didn't know how to stop dice roll after clicking the dice?

  • for this problem i use function called clickedDice I change the previous STATE and pass the data with .map function and return ! not the original value.

  • 2-> When all the dice have same value after the roll how can I change button value roll to new game ?

  • For this problem i use useEffect and store the dice value in 3 variables allHeld , firstValue, allSameValue and use .every function to check every value for dice and if the value is same i change the SETSTATE value to true.

what exciting thing i learn when i created this web-app?

  • I always use for generating random numbers -> Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) but this time i found everytime i clicked roll button i found most of the number is less than 5 and sometimes 4 soo as a developer I google it and found there is a another way to create random number is .ceil function that always gives you the number that are closer to your heighest number soo i use Math.ceil(Math.random() * 8)