FrontEnd Coding Interview Preparation

JavaScript Questions

Question 1: Create a function that return a copy that has all undefined replaced with null.

Description: One of the differences between null and undefined is how they are treated differently in JSON.stringify(). JSON.stringify({a: null}) // '{"a":null}' JSON.stringify({a: undefined}) // '{}'

JSON.stringify([null]) // '[null]' JSON.stringify([undefined]) // '[null]'

Solution: Check the UndefinedToNull.js File in the javascript Folder.

Question 2: Creating a function convert the roman number into the integer numbers & vice-versa.

Description: subtractive notation is used, meaning 4 is IV rather than IIII, 9 is IX rather than VIIII. Same rule applies to 40(XL) and 900(CM) .etc. Symbol I V X L C D M Value 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

Solution: Check the RomanToNumber.js & NumberToRoman.js in javascript Folder.

Question 3: Given two arrays, find the intersection(items occur in both arrays).

Description: Given two arrays, find the intersection(items occur in both arrays) 1- Arrays are not sorted, and might have duplicates. 2- You can modify the arrays 3- You can return the items in any order, but without duplicates

Solution: Check the arrayIntersection.js in javascript folder.

Question 4: Compare 2 semver strings.

Description: compare('12.1.0', '12.0.9') 1, meaning first one is greater

compare('12.1.0', '12.1.2') -1, meaning latter one is greater

compare('5.0.1', '5.0.1') 0, meaning they are equal.

Solution: Check the CompareSemVerString.js in javascript folder.

Question 5: Find the number which is not repeating in the array.

Description: const arr = [10, 2, 2 , 1, 0, 0, 10] findSingle(arr) // 1

Solution: Check the findSingleNonRepeatNumberInArray.js in javascript folder.

Question 6: Please create a function count(), when called it should return how many times it has been called, count.reset() should also implemented.

Description: count() // 1 count() // 2 count() // 3

count.reset() // 0

count() // 1 count() // 2 count() // 3

Solution: Check the CountFunction.js in javascript folder.

Question 7: Please Create a function model(state, element), to bind state.value to the HTMLInputElement element.

Description: const input = document.createElement('input') const state = { value: 'John' } model(state, input)

console.log(input.value) // 'John' state.value = 'Doe' console.log(input.value) // 'Doe' input.value = 'John.Doe' input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')) console.log(state.value) // 'John.Doe'

Solution: Check the twoWayBinding.js in javascript folder.

Question 8: Create an object with property count, which increments every time count is accessed, initial value is 0.

Description: const counter = createCounter() counter.count // 0, then it should increment counter.count // 1 counter.count // 2 counter.count = 100 // it cannot be altered counter.count // 3

Solution: Check the CounterFunction.js in javascript folder.

Question 9: Given a non-empty string, return the most frequently ocurring character. If there are multiple characters with same occurrance, return an array of them.

Description: count('abbccc') // 'c' count('abbcccddd') // ['c', 'd']

Solution: Check the findOccuringString.js in javascript folder.

Question 10: Implement html() and render() to make below example work, without considering the rerender, so html() could just return the raw HTML string. This Video( explains it pretty well about how it works.

Description: import {html, render} from 'lit-html' const helloTemplate = (name) => html<div>Hello ${name}!</div>

// This renders

Hello Steve!
to the document body render(helloTemplate('Steve'), document.body)

// This updates to

Hello John!
, but only updates the ${name} part render(helloTemplate('John'), document.body);

Solution: Check the custom_litHtml_1.js in javascript folder.

Total JavaScript Questions Solved: 10

CSS Questions

Question 1: Center a div.

Description: Create a container with width and height and center a div.

Solution: Check the center_a_div.html in css folder. The solution is implemented using the flexbox.

Question 2: fill out to width:100px, but stretch to fill the available space and shrink if not enough, then stack them if needed

Description: On Changing the width the layout should be responsive.

Solution: Check the flex1.html in css folder. The solution is implemented using the flexbox.