
This is a wrapper for Razorpay's checkout.js library. This library provides functionality of single click checkout.


This package provides Typescript types which can be used if you are integrating Razorpay in project that uses Typescript (such as Angular).

Below is a demo in TypeScript adapted from JavaScript.

class RazorpayDemo {

    makePayment(key: string, razorpayOrderId: string, amount: number) {
        const options: PmtRequest = {
            key: key,
            amount: amount,
            currency: 'INR',
            order_id: razorpayOrderId,
            handler: (response) => this.onPaymentSuccess(response)
        const rzr = new Razorpay(options);
        rzr.on('payment.failed', (errResponse) => this.onPaymentFailure(errResponse));

    onPaymentSuccess(response: PmtSuccessResponse) {
        /* code to handle payment success */

    onPaymentFailure(response: PmtFailedResponse) {
        /* code to handle payment failure */


The original JavaScript demo can be found here.


I am not the original author of this project. The original code which is in the src/index.js (original file name checkout.js) file is property of Razorpay. Original source can be found here. Also, I am not associated to Razorpay in any way.