Weekly Coding Challenges Repository

This repository is dedicated to uploading weekly coding challenges sourced from the newsletter Coding Challenges by John Crickett.


The primary aim of this repository is to serve as a hub for individuals seeking to tackle weekly coding challenges, meticulously crafted to elevate programming prowess and problem-solving acumen.

How to Participate

To participate in the weekly coding challenges:

  1. Visit the Coding Challenges website to view the current challenge.
  2. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  3. Create a new branch for each week's challenge.
  4. Solve the challenge using your preferred programming language.
  5. Submit your solution by pushing your branch to this repository.
  6. Discuss your solution and engage with others in the repository's discussions section.

Contribution Guidelines

If you would like to contribute to this repository:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your contribution.
  • Make your changes and commit them.
  • Submit a pull request explaining the purpose of your contribution.

Feedback and Support

If you have any feedback or require support regarding the coding challenges or this repository, feel free to open an issue or reach out to me Shivanshu Pandey on LinkedIn.

Happy coding!