# Download, build and install the latest Apache Portable Runtime source tarball
zi pack for apr
Provides the Apache Portable Runtime library by compiling and installing it to the $ZPFX
directory (~/.zi/polaris
by default). It uses the z-shell/z-a-readurl annex to download the latest Apache Portable Runtime tarball.
The Zi command executed will be equivalent to:
zi as"null|readurl" dlink"https://.*/apr-%VERSION%.tar.bz2" \
atclone'ziextract --move --auto; print -P \\n%F{75}Building Apache Portable Runtime...\\n%f; ./configure \
--prefix="$ZPFX" >/dev/null && make >/dev/null && print -P \
\\n%F{75}Installing Apache Portable Runtime to $ZPFX...\\n%f && make install >/dev/null && print -P \
\\n%F{34}Installation of Apache Portable Runtime succeeded.%f || \
print -P \\n%F{160}Installation of Apache Portable Runtime failed.%f' \
atpull'%atclone' for \
- This repository compatible with Zi
The apache/apr zsh package that uses the zsh-string-lib to automatically:
- get the plugin's Git repository OR release-package URL,
- get the list of the recommended ices for the plugin,
- there can be multiple lists of ices,
- the ice lists are stored in profiles; there's at least one profile, default,
- the ices can be selectively overridden.