
The Repository for Finvest REST API Made With NodeJS, TypeScript, Express and MongoDB

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This is a REST API of Finvest app which allows a user to interact with all the data needed to track, manage and improve his financial habits to the best.

Built With


1- Clone the repository to your local machine and cd to it

  git clone https://github.com/z-sohaib/junctionx-algiers-backend
  cd junctionx-algiers-backend

2- Install the project dependencies

  npm install


  yarn install

Or simply


3- Launch the development server of the project

  npm run dev


  yarn dev


You can find below the followed structure in the project development

        --> /config # Define your configuration for the different additions to the project (For example Firebase setup).
        --> /controllers # Define your controllers that contains handlers of the different routes.
        --> /middlewares # Define custom middlewares that will be used whenever a request is sent.
        --> /models # Define your database models.
        --> /routes # Define your application routes.
        --> /services # Define the business logic layer functions that your route handlers need.
        --> /utils # Define custom functions that serve specific services such as JWT generation.
        --> /utils # Define custom functions that serve types/properties validation.
    .env # Define your project environment variables
    .gitignore # Define which files and folders Git should ignore
    app.ts # The root file of the project
    package.json # Define the node project's configuration
    typescript.json # Define the typescript configuration object

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

PORT => Port to use for the application

DB_URI => MongoDB Database URI

email => The email to use for sending mails

emailpassword => The used email's application password to get access

private_key => Private key of Firebase SDK Firebase config

private_key_id=> The id of the mentioned key above

OauthSecret => Oauth code to use for Google OAuth



If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at js_zouambia@esi.dz