The elegant way to use font-awesome for PHPer.
Inspired by FontAwesomePHP
composer require encore/easy-fa
To use it in Laravel project, first add service provider in app.php
In views
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>FontAwesome example</title>
<!-- import css -->
{!! fa_assets() !!}
<botton>{!! fa('envelope') !!}</botton>
<botton>{!! fa('calendar')->lg() !!}</botton>
<botton>{!! fa('camera')->border() !!}</botton>
<!-- or -->
<botton>@fa('calendar', 'lg')</botton>
<botton>@fa('camera', 'lg|border')</botton>
<botton>@fa('hourglass', 'x2|rotate:180')</botton>
In addition to laravel, you can use it in any PHP project.
// size
echo fa('star')->lg();
echo fa('star')->x2();
echo fa('star')->x3();
echo fa('star')->x4();
echo fa('star')->x5();
// fixed with parent
echo fa('star')->fw();
// add border
echo fa('star')->border();
// add border and pull left
echo fa('star')->border()->left();
// add border and pull right
echo fa('star')->border()->right();
// spin
echo fa('star')->spin();
// pulse
echo fa('star')->spin()->pulse();
// rotate
echo fa('star')->rotate(90);
echo fa('star')->rotate(180);
echo fa('star')->rotate(270);
// flip
echo fa('star')->flipHorizontal();
echo fa('star')->flipVertical();
// stack
echo fa('star')->on(fa('square'));
// inverse
echo fa('star')->inverse();
// iterat
foreach (fa(['book', 'pencil', 'star', 'gear']) as $fa) {
echo $fa;
To find all icons please refer to Font Awesome