
Renovate rewrites terraform lock constraints

With current repository renovate will rewrite constraints in .terraform.lock.hcl file.

Current value ~> 4.0, >= 4.5.0, Renovate rewrites to ~> 4.0, expected value should remain as is.

Terraform behaviour

Terraform collects all provider requirements from current code and included modules, combines them together, and uses constraints field to calculate exact provider version that complies to collected constraints.

Renovate rewriting this field has two problems:

  • On terraform actions that change state, like changing module version or just doing init, terraform restores constraints field to expected value. This causes unnecessary diff between terraform and renovate.
  • Losing vital information about negative constrains. Some module can define required version like >= 4.5.0, < 5.0.0, while main code requires just > 4.0.0. Without information from module constrains terraform eventually will pick incorrect version, leading to multitude of problems for end user.