
Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Ai Chat

Flexible way to chat with Copilot AI.


This plugin is written in LUA for the interface part, and in TypeScript for the communication with copilot.

It is shipped with a typescript runtime (bun) for Linux. For other operating systems, either make sure the bun runtime is in your $PATH or specify an executable path using bun_executable in the config.

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️

This plugin is a work in progress. There might be bugs here and there.

If you notice any problems, or if you have any feature idea, open an issue.

If you feel like contributing, all PRs are welcome!


Using lazy:

    return { 'z0rzi/ai-chat.nvim',
        config = function()
            require('ai-chat').setup {}

You will then have to connect to github using the chat interface, as seen below:


Default configuration:

  mappings = {

    -- Opens the chat in the side window
    focus_window = '<LEADER>m',

    -- Toggles the fullscreen mode of the chat
    toggle_fullscreen = '<LEADER>M',

    -- Sends the selected text to the chat, and starts insert mode
    selected_to_chat = '<LEADER>m',

    -- Prompts the user for a character, and runs the macro on the selected text
    run_macro = '<LEADER>k',

    -- Prompts the user for a character, edit the macro
    edit_macro = '<LEADER>K',


    -- Goes the next / previous message
    next_hunk = ']]',
    prev_hunk = '[[',

    -- Cycles through the availables core instructions
    next_core = '}}',
    prev_core = '{{',

    -- Sends a message to the AI
    send_message = '<C-a>',

    -- Removes all the messages from the chat
    reset_chat = '<C-d>'

  -- If the provided bun executable doesn't work for you, you can specify a path here
  bun_executable = nil,

  -- The core instructions to load at startup
  core_instructions = 'code',

  -- If true, the chat window will replace the current buffer.
  -- Otherwise, it will open in a vertical split.
  fullscreen = true,

  -- If true, the previous messages will be forgotten when sending the current selection to the chat
  reset_chat_on_selection_send = true,

  files = {
    -- The place where the current chat is saved
    chat_file = os.getenv("HOME") .. '/.config/ai-chat/chat.md',

    -- The directory where the macros are saved
    macros_dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. '/.config/ai-chat/macros/',

    -- The place where the core instructions are saved
    cores_dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. '/.config/ai-chat/cores/'



  • <LEADER>m in normal mode to open the chat.
  • <LEADER>m in visual mode to send the current text to the chat. All previous messages in the chat will be erased by default.
  • <LEADER>a sends the current user message to copilot.
  • <LEADER>d clears the conversation


You can also save "macros", meaning operations which you can then apply to specific pieces of code.

Here is an example of macro to add comment to code:

Add comments to this code.

The code itself should stay as is.

Do not add a comment at every line, just add a few multi-line comments to explain the code.


  • <LEADER>K? to create a new macro
  • <LEADER>k? to use a macro

Core Instructions

You can change the core instructions given to the AI.

The core instruction is a message provided to the AI at the start of the conversation, to define his identity.

The default core instructions of the AI are defined in the lua/copilot/constants.ts file.

For example :

:AiCoreEdit comedian

You are a virtual comedian.
Your role is to make people laugh.
Whatever the user asks you, try your best to make a pun out of it.
Never give informative answer.
If the user doesn't understand a joke, try your best to explain it.
:AiCoreSet comedian

Congratulations, your AI Assistant is now a comedian!

To change the current core, you can also use the }} and {{ mappings in the chat window.


  • Adding place-holders in cores for language currently used
  • Possibility to specify the core to use for each macro
  • Automatically fix the spaces between messages in the chat
  • Add the currently used core next to the 'AI' for each message
  • Write tests