repo for the submission of 2nd CAMI

Primary LanguageShell


Set up the environment

This release requires the following dependencies to be available on the host machine:
  1. prepare the directory
mkdir CAMI
git clone https://github.com/z2e2/CAMI
  1. First, download NBC++ by
git clone https://github.com/EESI/Naive_Bayes
  1. Second, if g++ and boost are not installed, install them by
sudo apt install make g++ libboost-all-dev
  1. then, compile the software by

Run CAMI II Challenge

Note: NBC++ is developed for both computing cluster and local computer but it will run much faster on computer cluster with parallelization. In our case, we used UNIVERSITY RESEARCH COMPUTING FACILITY available at Drexel University. But all the job scripts can be adopted and run on other similar computing clusters

  1. We used our own database to train the NBC++ for CAMI II Challenge, the assembly_summary file and taxonomic tree is available in database_download directory. You can use pipeline_1_download.sh to download the data.

  2. Train the model by pipeline_3 and pipeline_4 (change the path accordingly).

  3. There are two files need to be created before classifying any samples. The kmer.txt file should contain the k-mer size of NBC++. I suggest you to run echo 15 > kmer.txt command to create this file. The file_init.txt should contain the name of sample file you want to classify. For example, if you want to classify sample s4 in marine challenge. Then you can specify the filename (the tar file of shortreads sample 4 file in marine challenge) in file_init.txt. Let's say it's "s4.gz" (you can put the file to classify in the repo directory). Then you can run command "echo s4.gz > file_init.txt" to create the file_init.txt file. This file basically specify the filename of sample to classify (and assuming it's *.gz).

  4. Use pipeline_5_classify_run_all.sh to submit array jobs to classify a sample in parallel.

  5. formatting can be taken care of by pipeline6-8.
    The raw output from pipeline 6:
