sequence_attention: Learning, Visualizing and Exploring 16S rRNA Structure Using an Attention-based Deep Neural Network
sequence_attention is a deep learning model python package that trains a Read2Phenotype model on 16S rRNA data.
Drexel University EESI Lab, 2020
Maintainer: Zhengqiao Zhao, zz374 at drexel dot edu
Owner: Gail Rosen, gailr at ece dot drexel dot edu
The following are required:
- python=3.5.4
- matplotlib=2.1.1
- pandas=0.20.3
- scipy=1.0.0
- scikit-learn=0.19.1
- Tensorflow=1.9.0
- Keras=2.2.2
A raw data folder is required. It contains a comma separated file (CSV) and FASTA nucleic acid files for different samples. The directory structure of raw data is shown below:
│ meta_data.csv
| SAMPLE_1.fna
| SAMPLE_2.fna
| SAMPLE_3.fna
| ...
Examples of the required files is shown below:
- meta_data.csv example:
sample_id | label |
SAMPLE_1 | feces |
SAMPLE_2 | tongue |
SAMPLE_3 | feces |
SAMPLE_4 | skin |
... | ... |
- SAMPLE_1.fna
Here is an example of processed data directory structure:
│ meta_data.pkl
| train_test_split.pkl
| label_dict.pkl
│ │ SAMPLE_1_1.fna
│ │ SAMPLE_1_2.fna
│ │ ...
| │ SAMPLE_2_1.fna
| │ SAMPLE_2_2.fna
| │ ...
| ...
First, please review the settings in file especially the data path. Then, run the following to preprocessing the data. There are two ways to prepare the data: 1). split a fna file into files that contain one read per file. Then the generator can quickly load reads and construct a batch of data. However, the splitting data part can be slow; 2). convert a fna file to a dictionary. Then the generator can load a whole dictionary file (saved as pickle file) and look up for a read and construct a batch of data. It is fast in data preparation step.
import keras
import numpy as np
from sequence_attention import SeqAttModel, preprocess_data, DataGenerator, DataGeneratorUnlabeled
from config import Config
opt = Config()
###===== method 1 =====###
###===== method 2 =====###
Once the data is preprocessed, run the following to load metadata, initialize the model and the data generator.
import pickle
label_dict = pickle.load(open('{}/label_dict.pkl'.format(opt.out_dir), 'rb'))
sample_to_label, read_meta_data = pickle.load(open('{}/meta_data.pkl'.format(opt.out_dir), 'rb'))
partition = pickle.load(open('{}/train_test_split.pkl'.format(opt.out_dir), 'rb'))
seq_att_model = SeqAttModel(opt)
###===== method 1 =====###
training_generator = DataGenerator(partition['train'], sample_to_label, label_dict,
dim=(opt.SEQLEN,opt.BASENUM), batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=opt.shuffle)
testing_generator = DataGenerator(partition['test'], sample_to_label, label_dict,
dim=(opt.SEQLEN,opt.BASENUM), batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=opt.shuffle)
###===== method 2 =====###
training_generator = DataGeneratorPickle(partition['train'], sample_to_label, label_dict,
dim=(opt.SEQLEN,opt.BASENUM), batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=opt.shuffle)
testing_generator = DataGeneratorPickle(partition['test'], sample_to_label, label_dict,
dim=(opt.SEQLEN,opt.BASENUM), batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=opt.shuffle)
Once the model is trained, you can evaluate the performance of the model using the training data and testing data. The following command will return accuracy.
seq_att_model.train_generator(training_generator, n_workers=opt.n_workers)
seq_att_model.evaluate_generator(testing_generator, n_workers=opt.n_workers)
Prepare the X_visual (N by SEQ_LEN by NUMBASE) in numpy array, y_visual (phenotypic labels in integers) in numpy array and a list of taxonomic labels of those sequences (e.g., genus level labels). We also need a list of phenotypic labels of those sequences. Then run the following commands to plot embedding and attention weights visualization figures.
prediction, attention_weights, sequence_embedding = seq_att_model.extract_weigths(X_visual)
from sequence_attention import SeqVisualUnit
idx_to_label = {label_dict[label]: label for label in label_dict}
seq_visual_unit = SeqVisualUnit(X_visual, y_visual, idx_to_label, taxa_label_list,
prediction, attention_weights, sequence_embedding, 'Figures')
In the code snippet above, we also need , label_dict (phenotypic labels to integer dictionary saved in $opt.out_dir/label_dict.pkl
by the previous steps.