
The fastest tools for 3dtiles convert in the world!

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

English | 简体中文


glTF status Action status Action status

3D-Tiles convertion:

  • Osgb(OpenSceneGraph Binary) to 3D-Tiles: convert huge of osgb file to 3D-Tiles.

  • Esri Shapefile to 3D-Tiles: convert shapefile to 3D-Tiles.

  • Fbx to 3D-Tiles: convert fbx file to 3D-Tiles, include auto_lod\texture convertion etc.

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sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y g++ libgdal-dev libopenscenegraph-dev cargo
git clone https://github.com/fanvanzh/3dtiles
cd 3dtiles
cargo build --release


sudo yum install -y gdal-devel cargo g++
git clone https://github.com/fanvanzh/3dtiles
cd 3dtiles
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git
./vcpkg/vcpkg install osg:x64-linux-release
cargo build --release


curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf -o rustup-init.exe
./rustup-init.exe -y
git clone https://github.com/fanvanzh/3dtiles
cd 3dtiles
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git
./vcpkg/vcpkg install osg:x64-windows-release
./vcpkg/vcpkg install gdal:x64-windows-release
cargo build --release


① Command Line

_3dtile.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --format <FORMAT> --input <PATH> --output <DIR>

② Examples

# from osgb dataset
_3dtile.exe -f osgb -i E:\osgb_path -o E:\out_path
_3dtile.exe -f osgb -i E:\osgb_path -o E:\out_path -c "{\"offset\": 0}"
# use pbr-texture
_3dtile.exe -f osgb -i E:\osgb_path -o E:\out_path -c "{\"pbr\": true}"

# from single shp file
_3dtile.exe -f shape -i E:\Data\aa.shp -o E:\Data\aa --height height

# from single osgb file to glb file
_3dtile.exe -f gltf -i E:\Data\TT\001.osgb -o E:\Data\TT\001.glb

# from single obj file to glb file
_3dtile.exe -f gltf -i E:\Data\TT\001.obj -o E:\Data\TT\001.glb

# convert single b3dm file to glb file
_3dtile.exe -f b3dm -i E:\Data\aa.b3dm -o E:\Data\aa.glb

English | 简体中文


3D-Tile 转换工具集,高效快速的 3D-Tiles 生产工具。


  • Osgb(OpenSceneGraph Binary)3D-Tiles

  • Esri Shapefile3D-Tiles

  • Fbx3D-Tiles

  • ...



sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y g++ libgdal-dev libopenscenegraph-dev cargo
git clone https://github.com/fanvanzh/3dtiles
cd 3dtiles
cargo build --release


sudo yum install -y gdal-devel cargo g++
git clone https://github.com/fanvanzh/3dtiles
cd 3dtiles
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git
./vcpkg/vcpkg install osg:x64-linux-release
cargo build --release


curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf -o rustup-init.exe
./rustup-init.exe -y
git clone https://github.com/fanvanzh/3dtiles
cd 3dtiles
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git
./vcpkg/vcpkg install osg:x64-windows-release
./vcpkg/vcpkg install gdal:x64-windows-release
cargo build --release


① 命令行格式

_3dtile.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --format <FORMAT> --input <PATH> --output <DIR>

② 示例命令

# from osgb dataset
_3dtile.exe -f osgb -i E:\osgb_path -o E:\out_path
_3dtile.exe -f osgb -i E:\osgb_path -o E:\out_path -c "{\"offset\": 0}"

# from single shp file
_3dtile.exe -f shape -i E:\Data\aa.shp -o E:\Data\aa --height height

# from single osgb file to glb file
_3dtile.exe -f gltf -i E:\Data\TT\001.osgb -o E:\Data\TT\001.glb

# from single obj file to glb file
_3dtile.exe -f gltf -i E:\Data\TT\001.obj -o E:\Data\TT\001.glb

# convert single b3dm file to glb file
_3dtile.exe -f b3dm -i E:\Data\aa.b3dm -o E:\Data\aa.glb

③ 参数说明

  • -c, --config <JSON> 在命令行传入 json 配置的字符串,json 内容为选配,可部分实现

    json 示例:

      "x": 120,
      "y": 30,
      "offset": 0,
      "max_lvl" : 20
  • -f, --format <FORMAT> 输入数据格式。

    FORMAT 可选:osgb, shape, gltf, b3dm

    osgb 为倾斜摄影格式数据, shape 为 Shapefile 面数据, gltf 为单一通用模型转gltf, b3dm 为单个3dtile二进制数据转gltf

  • -i, --input <PATH> 输入数据的目录,osgb数据截止到 <DIR>/Data 目录的上一级,其他格式具体到文件名。

  • -o, --output <DIR> 输出目录。输出的数据文件位于 <DIR>/Data 目录。

  • --height 高度字段。指定shapefile中的高度属性字段,此项为转换 shp 时的必须参数。


① 倾斜摄影数据

倾斜摄影数据仅支持 smart3d 格式的 osgb 组织方式:

  • 数据目录必须有一个 “Data” 目录的总入口;
  • “Data” 目录同级放置一个 metadata.xml 文件用来记录模型的位置信息;
  • 每个瓦片目录下,必须有个和目录名同名的 osgb 文件,否则无法识别根节点;


- Your-data-folder
  ├ metadata.xml
  └ Data\Tile_000_000\Tile_000_000.osgb

② Shapefile

目前仅支持 Shapefile 的面数据,可用于建筑物轮廓批量生成 3D-Tiles.

Shapefile 中需要有字段来表示高度信息。

③ 通用模型转 glTF:

支持 osg、osgb、obj、fbx、3ds 等单一通用模型数据转为 gltf、glb 格式。

转出格式为 2.0 的gltf,可在以下网址验证查看: https://pissang.github.io/clay-viewer/editor/

④ B3dm 单文件转 glb

支持将 b3dm 单个文件转成 glb 格式,便于调试程序和测试数据