
A refactored version of the Xamarin Forms Startup project, "Shell Forms App"., demonstrating ViewModel-First navigation with ZenMvvm. ZenMvvm is a Lightweight ViewModel-First MVVM framework for Xamarin.Forms.

Primary LanguageC#

LogoZenMvvm Sample App

A refactored version of the Xamarin Forms Startup project, "Shell Forms App"., demonstrating ViewModel-First navigation with ZenMvvm. ZenMvvm is a Lightweight ViewModel-First MVVM framework for Xamarin.Forms.

Tip: Search for //ZM in the solution to quickly jump to code comments explaining ZenMvvm => click here to do this now

When browsing the code, look for:

  • Simple. Almost nothing new to learn. Design pages as you normally would using Xamarin Forms.
  • Cleaner, easier to understand architecture
  • Nothing in the code-behind files
  • ViewModels are easily testable. This example uses xUnit and Moq to test the ItemsViewModel class.ViewModels don't have any dependency on Xamarin.Forms
  • Buit-in dependency injection uses the convenient "Smart Resolve" feature meaning you don't have to register dependenices (perfect for rapid prototyping).
  • Passing data to another viewmodel is easy. Navigation from ItemsViewModel that passes an Item object to the NewItemViewModel:
await navigationService.PushAsync<ItemDetailViewModel>(item)
  • Running async code after page navigation has completed is achieved with IOnNavigated

For another sample app, see Zenimals which showcases more features, including route navigation with GotoAsync().